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I woke up on a couch. Looking around, I couldn't help but notice how old everything looked. A lamp with a white beaded lampshade stood on an old oak end table just above my head. The walls were wallpapered with flowers; pink, purple and blue. Sitting up, I could see another couch and a cushioned rocking chair on the other side of the room. I saw a T.V. cabinet, shut completely, close to a wooden door. I tried to stand up, but fell as my legs gave out from under me. Sitting on the floor, I could feel a very sharp, aching pain in my ankle. I took a look at it in the dim lighting of the Christmas tree lights on a fake tree. Bruising wrapped around my foot. My ankle seemed to be the size of a baseball. This really didn't look good and I didn't even know whose house I was in. Ignoring the pain in my ankle, which was clearly badly sprained, I got up with a squeak and made my way to the light switch. Upon turning on the lights, I could see a wooden sliding door across the room. Taking a quick glance out the window and at a clock, I found out it was almost three in the morning. I slowly made my way to the sliding door, hugging the wall and squeaking with pain whenever my foot hit the ground. What had happened to me? Just as I reached the door, it slid open. I froze with fear and breathed a sigh of relief when I realized it was only Kevin.

"What in the name of hell are you doing off that couch?" He asked, worried.

I stared at him, slightly angry and confused.

"I didn't know where I was. If you woke up in a strangers house, wouldn't you like to know where you are? Speaking of which, where are we?" I asked.

"We're at my place. When you were out of it, you tripped pretty badly and rolled your ankle. After that, you passed out and Cry said we needed to get you out of there. I offered everyone to stay here at my place. Since none of you have really been here, naturally they all jumped at the opportunity to see my house." Kevin explained.

"Oh" Was all I could say. 

I could tell I was grumpy from lack of sleep and sore muscles from the awkward position on the couch. I then looked down to see my hands bandaged and me wearing a huge black sweatshirt. Then I blushed as I realized I was wearing nothing but underwear and that sweatshirt.

"What happened to the dress I was wearing?" my voice rose with panic. I swear if he undressed me...

"N-n-n-no I know what you're thinking," he started,"but no. I did NOT take off your clothes. Cry wanted to give the dress back to Marzia so she could get the glass out of it. Stephanie randomly got upset and started throwing her wine glasses at us. But if you want to stab anyone, stab Cry. he's the one who changed you."

I relaxed a bit. I trust Cry. He won't do anything to me, we're family. I then chose that moment to switch feet, like I normally do, but then cried out in pain and fell. I had forgotten my ankle already. Kevin was fast to react and he caught me before I hit the floor.

"Come on Die cry," he said, using a nickname only between us and picking me up," That couch CAN'T be comfortable and you need sleep."

I didn't object as he picked me up and carried me off down the hallway. Might as well go with my best friend. He carefully opened up another door at the far end of the hallway and walked in. 

"This is my room." He said.

Glancing around I could see my video game nerd. Legend of Zelda, Halo, Dying Light and Left 4 Dead posters were tacked to the walls. A huge bed with a dark blue comforter stretched across his bed. A huge widescreen T.V. and three beanbag chairs were in a corner of the room. A black glossy tower of video games stood next to a PS3, Xbox 360 and a few older consoles that weren't plugged in. Kevin set me down on his bed and plugged in Christmas lights that he clearly tacked and taped to his ceiling. I couldn't help but smile at this gesture.

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⏰ Last updated: May 30, 2016 ⏰

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