Chapter 10

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Authors Note

Hey guys. I am so sorry for the long wait. I've been busy with school and swimming. I also wanted to say that I have been reading my book and I don't really like the beginning. I'm going to keep writing this story but I'm going to try to make it sound better. Sorry also for not updating in for like ever. I've been working on my other books also I've just been super busy with my life. I'm always doing something and I started swimming for school. I have 3 meets this week. They are also all relays. YAY!! Note the sarcasm. Well anyways here's the next chapter.


Leigha's Pov

I was now cooking some breakfast for everyone. They were all sleeping. It was about 10 and it was Sunday. This morning I had a difficult time getting out of bed at first. Authany would not let me go. At first it was cute but then I saw him smirking and I knew he was just doing that for the fun of it. That's when it got annoying. He is still in bed being a lazy butt. I'd love to be lazy but I can't with six werewolves in the house including me. Wolves got to eat.

I'm now thinking about what happened a few days ago. That Nathan kid was from my old school, I just never really thought that he was a wolf. I never smelt his wolf and he never was at the pack house when I went. Something has to be going on. Like think about it. You can't smell him when your a kid and you don't see him at pack meetings. That's just plain weird.

Then he was also acted weird when I called him out about being someone else. I'll figure it out but right now I need to finish breakfast before everyone wakes.


When I finished with the breakfast everyone was on que and came when everything was set. Wow! Of course. Even my lazy butt of a mate came down.

When they all sat down I didn't here a word from them, they just dug right in. Well atleast I know they like it but still how could they not atleast say thanks. I looked at them in disbelief.

After enough of waiting I finally spoke up, "You guys are all pigs. I make this breakfest for all of you, I get up super early to make it, and I don't even get a thanks?"

They all stared at me, swallowed what they were eating, turned to each other and then looked back at me. "Thanks." They all mumbled. I scoffed. At least its something I guess.

I squealed when Authony pulled me onto his lap. "Well hello to you too." I said. All I heard was his beautiful laugh that sends shivers down my spine. He must have noticed because he was smirking. He really needs to stop smirking. "You know if you keep smirking your face will stay like that."

"Yeah, yeah." Was all he said. Well then. I just sat on his lap and snuggled into his chest. I could hear his wolf purr by my closeness. I smiled, a real smile not one of those stupid smirks. Them again I do have my moments and smirk too. Whatever.

Everyone was finishing up and putting the dishes in the dish washer. Awe how nice of them. Noe there is a tad bit of sarcasm there. When they were all finished they went into the family room and started to watch T.V. I wonder what got them so quite today. Before I could ask the door bell rang.

When I opened the door Tristan and Jay were there. Oh my gosh Jay lookes so different from the last time I saw her. Come to think of it the last time I saw her was in a diaper. Now she looked all grown up, well she is grown up. Probably in her teens. Well wait that would mean Tristan would be in collage. Why Isn't he? That's for a later day. I just can't believe Jay's here and Tristan of course.

When I snapped out of it I hurried and hugged Jay to my chest.

"Can't breath." Jay said. I let go of her and backed away and gave Tristan a little hug to.

"Well fine then I see how it is." Tristan pouted. I laughed. I missed him, I've missed both of them.

"What are you guys doing here?"

"We'll we umm found out some stuff about your dad." Jay said.

"Yeah and?" I asked.

"We found out that he is working with rouges and hunters."




Ok not the best but it's something. I just can't think of how I want to do this book. Like I have ideas I just don't don't know how to plane them in the book. Anyways I'll try to write but I've been busy. Thanks bye!

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