She's too young

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Not yet do the parents know that they soon will be the youngest grandparents on the block

Walking through the store, everyone stares but no one says a thing.

The girl tries to conceal her secret from the world,but this eight months will no allow her that simple pleasure

She is alone now. her mother is by her side but that is not enough, her child has no father.

Her stomach turns, nervous at the thought that someday a child will ask why he has no daddy, why she made him leave.

She gets sick at the thought of having to explain this confusing story of her terrible past to her child.

At school, her friends smile. They but her cute things, trying to still be her friend and act like they accept her problems.

But they don't, they never accepted her to begin with

She could see right through their smiling faces, to their souls, so cold she shivered

Or was it a shiver of fear? she knows she's too young

Getting out of the car, another one hits. "Breathe", her mother tells her,"breathe".

It is over now but she stays there in her mothers arms rocking, being pacified by her mother as if she's a baby.

Thinking, wishing, knowing that she's to young.

Twelve hours later, holding a new life in her arms, her new life, she cries.

With tears running down her face she thinks of nothing els but this precious life in her arms.

Not about her parents, her classmates, the strangers at the store, or about the child's father, just about the beautiful baby boy that has now giving her life whole new


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