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I was very inpatient the remaining of the day. I was looking forward to getting the information I needed to help find Jeremy but at the same time I didn't want to go and find out something terrible had happened to him.

As ten o'clock approached I started putting all my things away.

"Eager to leave already?" Ben noticed.

"For your information- wait, it's none of your business- why should I be telling you?" I gave him a smirk before I left.

As I walked out the door I realized I was a bit of a bitch to Ben. Oh well, he deserved it.

I headed to the cafe as quickly as I could. As I approached the cafe I noticed a bunch of trashcans outside the doors.

"Oh good, you're here." Abby exhaled.

"Please tell me we don't have to look through all this trash." I begged.

She gave me a sorry smile, "I wish we didn't have to, but we do."

Just the way I wanted to spend my night; looking through over 5 trashcans, notice the sarcasm.

"Alright, let's do this." I tried lighting up the mood.

While I searched through a bunch of food, napkins and things that I should never see, I had almost given up.

I turned to look at Abby and she looked more fascinated than she should have looking through all that trash.. made me wonder what she finds fun.

"Abby, I can't find anything and I'm really tired." As I stood up I had already given up but Abby jumped up with much enthusiasm.

"I found it!!" she ran towards me almost knocking me over.

She gave me a crumbled up piece of paper with 6 numbers, this wasn't a phone number.

"8559-03?" Why do the numbers sound so familiar?

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