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I guess I was saved. When I walked into the office, more like ran, I saw a lady talking on the phone in my desk. I slowly walked up to her as she hung up the phone.

"Thank you for calling the 'Help Hotline' and have a lovely day." she said as she turned around.

"You're late!" It was the same lady who told me not to be late for my shift when I left for lunch.

"I'm sorry but I-" She cut me off.

"I don't want to hear it." She walked away.

I just stood there not sure if I should get to work or follow her.

"Are you coming or not?" she turned around then continued walking.

I followed her to what seemed like her office. It was super clean and bright, everything was white.

"I can explain why I was late."

"I told you; I don't want to hear it. Now sit down." I did as I was told. I was already on her bad side I didn't want to give her more of a reason to have me fired.

She sat in her chair looking at me, breathing in and out. I sat across from her not sure if I should look at her or not, but I had to cough. I felt something in my throat and needed to cough. Not thinking about it I coughed. Suddenly things began to get extremely awkward than before.

"Umm.... Shouldn't I get back to work?" I broke the silence.

She just shook her head no.

"I need to talk to you, but I can't find the words to explain." She took a sudden pause. "You might think I'm a complete bitch right now, making your life hell, not giving you a chance to explain your situation or whatever the case may be." She looked at her watch. Did she need to be somewhere? Please, hopefully she did. I didn't want to be here anymore. I just want to finish my hours, leave this place, go home and go to sleep!

"We started wrong. Let me properly introduce myself. I am Jessica Hale." She extended her hand to greet me. "Amy Smith." I replied and shook her hand.

"It's nice to meet you Amy. Now before I get too caught up- I must explain the situation that happened this morning." I remembered how it all went down with the phone call.

"Forgive me if I gave you a bad first impression of myself; I don't usually behave like that. I am your supervisor, and as your supervisor I must be at my best behavior at all times. There are moment when I get after you guys, but on a daily basis I am a very nice person. Just ask any of the staff." She informed me.

Actually I will ask them. Let's see what they have to say about Miss Not Mean but 'Nice' Jessica Hale.

"The lady you were talking to this morning..." Her eyes wondered from my face to the ground. "Her name is Susan." She looked back at me. "When I first started working here I received a phone call asking me for help. It was the first time she had ever called so no one said anything about it. She explained to me the same situation she explained to you. I spend my first month helping find 'Sandra' but nothing. Then we found the article, and on that same day she called again. A member from my team answered her phone call and that's when we tried explaining the situation to her." She started walking towards the window. "She denied everything about her death. Since then every month she's called us with the same story... Now we ignore her phone calls." Once she finished talking she stayed looking out the window.

I was about to leave when she continued talking again, "Now you understand why I got the way I got."

I did understand. I imagined how she felt, doing her hardest to find a missing person only to discover she's dead.

"Return back to your desk and continue working." As I walked away I heard her say something.

"By the way I am sorry for the way I acted." She apologized.

"Don't worry about it; I forgive you, and I'm sorry for being late."

She finally turned around and smiled at me.

I kept thinking about what Jessica had just told me. Could it all be true?

First, the women in my dreams was named Sandra. Second, they had confused me with her in the cafe. Third, the phone call I had received in the morning was from a women to find Sandra! This coundn't all be a coincidence, could it? Non of it makes sense.

Out of everyone in the whole word, in all of New York, why me? Why?

Nothing makes sense. The dreams I've been having are real? They can't be real! Can they?

If I find her, will it all end?

There's only one thing left to do: I need to find Sandra.

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