Chapter one -

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''Mattie! I cant see!'' I cursed as i shoved her out the way to see the film. Of course she chose just at the important action scene of the film to get up and use the bathroom, only to return curious about the ten minutes she has missed and if i wanted any sweets from her side of the seats. I huffed and shook my head before filling her briefly in on how Harry had turned himself in to save Hogwarts from anymore harm.

''Tell me again why i paid nearly ten pound to watch Harry Potter?'' Mattie sighed as she bit into a strawberry flavoured chewy sweet. It was my eighteenth birthday and as a early present i had asked to come see the harry potter movie marathon all this week, each film was played on a different day. And of course I couldn't not see it, it was my favorite after all. My birthday was in fact yesterday however, the last one was today and i'd managed to pull Mattie along so i wasn't alone.

''Because,'' I stated matter of factly, not taking my eyes off the screen. ''You love me and you owe me for buying you dinner,'' I slurped another big gulp of my blue slushie before scrunching up my nose from the coldness brought to my head suddenly. One thing i awlways hated? Brain freeze.

Mattie just huffed before taking out her phone and playing on what looked like from the corner of my eye. angry birds. Rolling my eyes i continued to be enticed by the film, tears dwelling up as my heart jumped out my chest when Neville begins his speech and turns heroic. I've always been a Neville girl.

As the credits rolled out, the lights began to come back up and people quickly vacated the cinema leaving myself and Mattie nearly alone as we collected our mess and bags before trailing out the large doors. Mattie looked eager to leave as the cold air smacked me in the face harshly. It was late September so the weather wasn't exactly bikini decent. Instead i found myself comfortable in my new thick coat and dark jeans with boots. I always loved dressing like this, but found summer always restricting me from clothes due to the heat. I hated summer, it was full of girls dressing like they belonged to a burlesque show and guys ogling there body parts their parents use to put baby powder on when they were little. Its a shame really, all those pretty girls ruined from modern society.

Mattie however was one of the few girls, like myself that had modesty. A rare condition that not many people had in this day and age.

Hopping into the passengers seat i quickly turned up the radio only for my ears to hear a familiar song. Why was it familiar? Because it was, of course, One Direction, a personal favorite of Mattie's, and i personal hatred of mine. I liked maybe two or three songs by the, but even then i could only listen to them shortly say if they were on the radio.

''TURN THIS UP NOW!'' Mattie squealed as she pulled out the large car park, huffing i turned it up a few bars, hoping my headphones could still drown out the dreadful sound of what Mattie called the song 'Rock me'.  Of course due to the cheap headphones, my hopes were shattered as there voices overpowered Jeff Buckley. Sorry Jeff, you don't deserve this torture.

It was around half past six, giving us both about two hours before our taxi picked us up. Due to Mattie being a social life person, i had agreed if she came to this film marathon with me i would go to a new club a friend of hers had opened. I never actually thought she would agree, but here i am. On my way to our flat, and about to get ready to have strangers grope me and the bartenders force feeding me alcoholic beverages when id much rather be at home, in my pajamas, drawing in my room, but apparently to Mattie that wasn't acceptable for  girl of eighteen years of age. I disagreed obviously but by the time i had the chance to it was too late.

As we got home i figured i might aswell start getting ready now, afterall i needed to show, blow dry, straighten, apply make up and actualy find something to wear. Urgh, being a girl is so high maintenance.

After the twenty minute shower i stepped into my dressing robe and wiped away the condensation on the large mirror in front of me. i brushed my teeth and hair before walking back into my room to my dresser. On my bed sat Mattie reading through a magazine and bobbing lightly to the music that filled the room.

''Must you always be in here?'' I asked sitting down and plugging in my hair dryer, drowining out some of the dreadful music playing. Did this girl have no culture?

''Yes i must, now what are you wearing?'' Mattie stood from the bed and walked over towards the wardrobe opposite, and began throwing different dresses onto the bed, each one more revealing than the other.

After the next hour and a half of applying make up, doing my hair and listening to Mattie complain about how there's nothing nice in my wardrobe i was nearly ready, the only thing left was, indeed the outfit.

''Cant i just go in jeans?'' I whined crossing my arms as Mattie shoved another dress at me to try on, this was was a red lace body-con with black detail, my aunt had bought it as a gift last year, only for it to be instantly put to the back of the wardrobe due to its clingy-ness and the fact it came half way up my thigh. I stepped out of the bathroom, adjusting the hem of the dress as it rode up from walking.

''You look fine! Great even. Now shoes, wear them!'' She pointed over to a pair of black wedges that  never really liked because of the height. For a five foot three girl i was happy. Adding five inches wasn't something i was pleased about. Ever. Wow i complain allot.

Finally the clock ticked to eight thirty and a loud car horn came from outside, Mattie was dressed in a black long maxi dress and her hair was her natural curly self. ''Ready?'' She called making her way out the door and stopping to look at me before smiling.

''As ill ever be'' I replied grabbing my keys and walking out the door. '' This club better be good, I'm not all slut-ted up for nothing you know!'' I shouted over to her as we made our way down the block of steps and into the vehicle. 

''Oh stop complaining and smile for fuck sake woman! You'll have fun, i promise,''


okaaaaay first chapter ha ha, sorry its not very long, next one will be though anyway feedback would be liked, so would votes and reads but ya'know xD anyway hope you liked it and ill upload another chapter tomorrow, maybe two chapters depending.

mwah. xxx

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