Chapter 4

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Iris P.O.V

Where is he? Its been two days. Is he going to ever come back? Why do I even care? I've had two conversations with the guy and I'm acting like he's my boyfriend. Maybe he's mad because I accused him of being a player.

That was kinda rude of me. Considering I don't know him.

I feel bad. Guilty even.

I shouldn't though. Everything I said to him was true. Well I think it's true. I wish it wasn't...

It hurts to think it is. I liked talking to him. I don't think I've blushed so much in such a short period of time. There's something about him that draws me. I feel like I'm connected to him. As if I've known him my whole life and I'm attached to him.

When he leaves, it hurts and when he's near all I want to do is talk to him and cling to his arm.

I've never had this feeling before. I don't even know him but I've been happier since I've met him. Just when the mere thought of him pops into my mind I immediately get happier.

This isn't right. What's wrong with me?

Why do I feel bonded to him?

I'm so confused and I don't feel in control of this situation and that bothers me. I was having such a nice time talking to him. Then he just had to go and ruin it.

Why do I even care?


"Hey where have you been lately? You've missed at least three classes" My friend Ava ask as I approach the table she's currently sitting at.

I sigh. "I've just been busy with work."

She nods. "Ok. Are you sure it's not a guy?" She wiggles her eyebrows. I roll my eyes, she always thinks it's a guy when I'm busy.

I laugh. "Well actually I did meet this cute guy." I mutter.

She gasp. "Really! What's he like?" She grins.

I smile thinking of him. "Well he's literally the most handsome guy I've ever seen and I've only talked to him a few times."

She giggles like a little girl and throws her dirty blonde hair behind her shoulder. "Wow. I never thought you would ever be interested in a guy."

"I never said I was interested in him. I just think he's attractive." I explain. I'm not interested in him. I don't even know the guy.

She raises and arched waxed eyebrow. "Look Iris I know that ever since your parents accident it's been a struggle for you. But you keep closing people off. I think you actually like this guy but you just don't want to open up to anyone."

I stay quiet for a minute. "I don't like him. I just think he's hot. That's it." I finalize and stop looking at her.

She sighs. "Ok." I hear her say and I can tell she's disappointed and frustrated with me. But she just doesn't understand.

Maybe I'm being mean but I don't want to open up to new people because they'll just leave once you get attached. Just like everyone does.


I sit in the bakery and wait for people to come. That's the boring part of the job. When no one is here I'm just sitting, looking at the door.


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