Chapter 12

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Iris P.O.V

I lightly tap on Aries office door. "Uh... who is it." His voice wavers. I scrunch my eyebrows in confusion. He sounds nervous? Why?

"It's Iris." I say through the door.

I hear him clear his throat. "Uh... come in?"

I shake my head lightly and twist the door knob. I take a step into his office and close the door behind me. He glances at the door and back at me.

He clears his throat again. "So what brings you here?" He ask, his voice slightly wavering.

I feel my face twist into amusement and confusion. "Uh I work here." I chuckle awkwardly and he puts his head down and shakes it at himself. Almost as if he wanted to smack himself.

"Right..." he draws out.

Why is this so awkward? What happens between us? Is there something I'm missing because I thought we were pretty comfortable around each other?

We stand there in silence. Well now I regret coming in here.

"Hey you want to get out of here?" He ask breaking the silence.

I shrug. It's like I get paid to hang out with him. I don't even work anymore. But hey, who am I to complain?


"You took me to the mall?" I ask trying not to laugh.

We walk through the entrance and he nods nonchalantly. "Yeah they have good gelato here."

I shake my head and follow him. We walk into a small gelato/candy shop and Aries eyes practically light up like a kid. I smile at that for some reason. Aries goes straight to the gelato but the chocolate truffles on the other side of the room were calling my name.

I look at the different types of chocolates. All in different shades of colors and shapes, all looking so amazing. I have an issue. But there's just so many to choose. I want to work here just to get truffles all day. This is why I'm not skinny, I have no willpower.

I hear someone clear their throat snapping out of my throats and my head whips to the noise. My eyes come in contact with a man. He smiles and a dimple on his left cheek pops out. That's cute. "Uh, am I in your way?" I ask confused to why he's near me.

He shakes his head. "No sorry. I just saw you from outside and I thought you were gorgeous and I really just wanted to talk to you." He smiles looking semi embarrassed.

I laugh lightly. "Ok well I'm Iris." I put my hand out to shake.

His body relaxes and he grins. He shakes my hand firmly. "I'm Cole."

I nod and let go of his hand. He scratches the back of his neck. "So are you here alone? Or do you have a boyfriend or something..." he ask awkwardly and I laugh.

I shake my head. "I'm with my... my uh boss." I say not really knowing what to call Aries. It's confusing is he my friend? My boss? A acquaintance? Who knows.

He nods and shoves his hands in his jean pockets. "So can I get your number?" He ask. Well I'm glad he eased into that... God damn, I just met the guy.

"Who the hell are you?!" A voice harshly demands and I look up to see Aries looking at Cole like he's about to murder him.

Coles eyes widen and looks between me and Aries. "Uh Cole?" He answers more like a question.

"Why the fuck are you taking to my girl then?!" He shouts and the employees freeze and I feel my cheeks heat up in embarrassment and anger. Wait his girl? Psh this guy needs to back the hell up, I never agreed to that.

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