Chapter 8

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Killian's P.O.V

"Please don't!" He shouts as I hold him over my hotel balcony.

I laugh. "You know I would... But the problem is you irritated me. So... On that note I have to kill you." I shrug. "Nothing personal. This is just how it is."

A few tears leak from his eyes and I roll my eyes. "Make sure to say hi to my parents in hell." I smirk and let him drop. I dust my hands a little and close my balcony doors.

What can I do now?

Maybe I should pay a little visit to my brothers office... Yeah, that sounds entertaining.


I walk into the top floor and look around. I see the back of a short curly haired girl. I inhale and her scent hits my nose. Yep that's Iris.

I tap her shoulder. She turns around and her eyes widen, making me smirk. I feel fear emanating off her, filling me with satisfaction. I love when people fear me, it brings a sense of comfort like a cozy blanket.

"You again..." She whispers and I chuckle.

"Hello Iris. How are you?" I ask.

She bites her lip and my eyes advert to her lips. Ok I'll admit it, that was kinda hot. She really shouldn't of done that. I wasn't going to make her a target, but... She caused this on herself.

I suddenly just hear her heartbeat. It's thumping quickly. I know my eyes are turning darker due to my hunger. I hear a door slam open and heavy footsteps. In a swift motion I'm thrown against the wall with Aries hand on my throat.

I roll my eyes and stay still. "Was that really necessary?"

His eyes are black from anger and I laugh at that. He's so emotional, it's quite funny actually.

"What the hell are you doing here!?" He grits out through clench teeth.

My air supply is getting cut off from his tight grip. I move my hand from my side and punch his stomach. He groans and slams me further into the wall. I choke slightly "l-et go..." I struggle out.

I kick his legs which imbalances him and he lets go. I sigh and intake big breathes. "Was that really necessary? Fuck! Now you ruined my mood. Who knows what I'm capable of now!"

He glares at me and clenches his hands into fist. I glance at Iris and Aries eyes watch me. I can feel his energy turning protective. I smirk. His eyes are warning me to stay put, making me want to do the opposite. "Killian... Don't." His voice comes out deeper than usual from anger.

"What? I'm not doing anything?" I sneer.

Iris looks between me and Aries with confusion written all over her face. Her eyebrows are furrowed together causing little wrinkles on her forehead and her lips are in a small frown. I got to say she's a cute little human. 

I stop staring at her and I see my brothers murderous eyes watching me. Ha. He's jealous. How... Stupid.

I smirk. "Come brother let's talk about this in your office." I offer.

He glares at me but walks pass me anyways, leading the way to his office. I shut the door behind me and Aries leans against his desk. "Why are you here Killian!" He demands for like the tenth time and I roll my eyes.

"To see your office, of course."

He clenches his fist wanting to obviously kill me. "I mean in town. Why have you came here!" He yells.

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