Chapter 11

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Aries P.O.V

"I need to talk to your leader or master, whatever the help you call him!" I demand.

The girl rolls her eyes at my harsh tone and I swear my eye twitched. "Who are you and what do you want?" She ask in a board tone as if this happens all the time.

I clench my jaw. "I'm here to see the guy that runs this damn house! I need to talk to him.  Now show me him before I rip your head off!" I grit out slowly.

She sighs and motions her hand for me to follow. She leads me to a dim hallways with black framed pictures on the beige walls. The paintings are creepy... This whole house is creepy to be honest, but who am I to talk.

The girl stops in front of a black door. "This is him." Then she turns the doorknob.

"Sir. You have a visitor." She announces in her low monotone voice.

"Let them in." A deep voice replies. The voice screamed power and authority.

She pushes the door open a little and I walk in. I hear the door shut behind me. The room is darker than the hall way. Black walls, bookshelves, a desk and two couch seats with a coffee table on the middle. There also a few candles that bring some light to the room.

Theres man is sitting on one of the couches with a glass cup in his pale hands. He looks around mid twenties but his real age has to be way older. I'm thinking over a thousand years.

"Come sit." The guy demands. I hate when people try to order me but I've heard of him and I know that he's older and stronger meaning he could probably kill me. Also I need him for answers.

I walk to the couch and sit across from him, the coffee table between us. "So what brings you here?" He ask causally with his deep yet raspy voice. His whole vibe screams that he's the king around here.

I sigh. "I have questions and I don't have answers. So I came here. I knew I would find an answer. I met a witch and she told me to come here. She said you would have answers for anything." I explain.

He lets out a deep dry chuckle. "She's right. I've been around for hundreds and hundreds of years, I have answers to everything and anything."

"Tell me boy why did you travel so far just for a question?" He ask. I clench my hands into fist. His tone was disrespectful and all I wanted to do is jump out of my seat and kill him but I managed to stay put.

He looks down for a moment as if focusing then I hear a humorous laugh. "You've came for a girl. Haven't you?" He ask and I stay quiet. How does he know? Damn, it must be one of his gifts.

"You feel connected to her? She makes you feel something you've never felt? You've been miserable and lonely for years. She makes you happy?" He ask and I'm in shock.

How the fuck did he know all this?

"How did you know all of that? What's your gift?" I ask.

He laughs. "I have many gifts. Reading people is just one of them."

"So what's your question? Is it why you feel connected to her?" He ask.

I take a deep breath. "Yeah I want to know. It's so unusual. I've never dealt with this situation before and she's just a human so I don't know why I would feel any type of connection with her yet I do. I don't know what's happening."

He gets up from his seat to one of his book shelves. He scans his finger through all the books then takes a big, brown, old looking book from the fourth shelf. He walks back to his seat and sits. He opens his book scanning a few pages.

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