Chapter 9

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A/N Just a note, I do NOT know Italian only a few words but that's it all the translation I get is online so don't kill me if I'm wrong.

IMPORTANT: Also all translation will be posted at the end of the chapter!
That's it, continue reading. ; )

Iris P.O.V

He just stares at me after I tell him all the job possibilities that I want. I shake his arm a little and the same butterflies fill my stomach and sparks run through my hand. "Did I bore you?" I laugh at my attempt to make things less awkward.

He lightly smiles and shakes his head. "No. I just zoned out for a moment. So if you love children so much you must want to have a child of your own someday? Right?"

I nod without hesitation. I've always wanted children, ever since I was a child myself. Me and my friends would talk about how many kids we would have when we're older. "Yes, of course. I love kids and I obviously want some of my own in the future."

His eyes show distress but I don't know why. I feel bad he looks like he's dealing with a problem he can't solve. He even looks kinda sad. Maybe he doesn't like children and finds this conversation awkward or annoying? I bite my lip lightly. "What about you? Do you not want kids?" I ask.

He stays quiet for a moment and by the distant look in his eyes it doesn't seem like he wants them. "I guess I've never really thought about it." He replies curtly.

He looks like he doesn't want to talk about it. I guess it makes sense. What young man in his twenties wants to talk about having babies. None that I know. He probably thinks he's so young and hasn't even lived his life yet, there's no time for babies. Well that's what I'm guessing at least.

Actually speaking of age...

"How old are you?" I ask.

He looks at me and laughs. "Older than you think." His eyes hold amusement as if he has a inside joke or something.

I playfully glare at him. "I'm serious!"

He chuckles. "I'm twenty seven".

I calculate in my head. Five years apart... That's not bad. Plus I've always liked older guys.

"Does that weird you out? The age gap between us?" He ask breaking me out of my thoughts.

Ok, I don't know if it was just me but I found what he said really cute. He sounds like as if he's nervous for my approval.

I smile feeling giddily. "No it's not like we're together or anything." I shrug and his face falls. Shit! I didn't mean it like that. Sometimes I just don't think of the things that come out of my mouth.

He nods and scratches the side of his chin. "Yeah. Yeah, of course. I don't really know why I asked." He turns his head and looks at the flowing stream.

We stay quiet for the next couple minutes in a awkward silence. Well actually silence is always kinda awkward to me. When people say 'it was a comfortable silence' I say that is absolute bullshit. There is no comfortable silence.

I sigh and lay on my back. The grass pokes my skin but it doesn't feel that bad. I close my eyes and let the warm sun hit my face while I hear the peaceful sound of water flowing. I hear shuffling near me. I open my eyes and see Aries laid beside me.

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