Chapter 13

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Iris P.O.V

I sigh as I run a hand through my messy curls. It's time for work and all I want to do is go to sleep in my nice warm bed and watch movies. Also I would like some space from Aries for a couple days.

I mean the guy just confessed he wants me and also the fact that he threatened me. Apparently I can't even talk to who I want to now because if I even look at another guy he'll rip his head off. He's so dramatic.

I just don't really understand what his motives are with me. Maybe he just wants sex? I mean I've seen it happen to most people around me. My friends, my sister, random girls at colleges and when I was in high school it was no different. Guys would act like they loved them and then once they got what they wanted the guys would just bolt onto the next victim. What makes Aries any different from them?

It just seems is that all that's on a guy's mind is sex. How am I supposed to face Aries when he's probably expecting me to feel the same way as he says he feels for me? When the truth is I have no idea what I feel for him. He makes me feel things I've never felt before but it's just so wrong. For one he's my boss. That should be enough for me but it's not. I just don't want to make a mistake with him. I can't be hurt anymore then I already am inside.

Maybe I should call in sick. I think I need some time away from him for a bit. To clear my head a bit from Aries and all his confessions. I'll just go to school today and focus on that.

With that thought in mind I call the front desk of Lazarus Suites. It rings four times before I hear a women's voice. "Hello, you have reached Lazarus Suits corporate office. What can I help you with?" After hearing her voice I immediately know who it is.

"Hey Nicole, it's Iris. I'm calling in sick today. I have a test at college that I just can't make up so yeah..." I lie quickly.

"Ok! I'll write it down right here. I hope you ace your test!"

I nervously bite my lip and say a quick thank you. Well hopefully Aries doesn't find out about this...


"Now I just feel like you've been avoiding me! I never see you anymore since you've got that new job!" Ava complains in a whiny voice and I laugh.

I give her an apologetic smile. "Look I'm sorry. I've just been busy with the new job and I guess I got too caught up but I promise we'll spend more time together like we used too. I don't work today so why don't you spend the night and we can have a movie night and eat junk food?" I suggest and she squeals.

"Yes! I got my bitch back." She grins and I shake my head. She wraps her arm around my shoulder. "Lets go to class, loser."


"This is so good!" Ava exclaims as she shoves her face with a brownie that we made earlier. She swallows that bite and then shoves a handful of potato chips in her mouth and chugs it down with a cup of sprite. I watch her in aw and slight amusement.

"You're absolutely disgusting. You know that right?" I tell her and she nods with a huge smile.

She takes a big bite of her pizza. "Yes I am." She replies with food in her mouth.

I laugh and shake my head. I hear Ava whistle and fall over dramatically as Henry Cavill enters the screen. She insisted we watch superman just to see Henry Cavill, the worst part is she doesn't even like this movie. She's just a weirdo fan girl.

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