Chapter 10

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Aries P.O.V

There's something definitely wrong with mine and Iris relationship. Something weird.

I don't know what it is but I'm determined to figure it out. Nothing is making sense and the little afternoon we spent together at a spot I have never taken anyone too by the way, just made things make less sense.

Like the fact that I get tingles and butterflies when I touch her. Or the fact that every time I see her it feels like she's the only girl, well actually person in the world. Also how I so much desire to claim her and make her mine when in reality I've just met the girl, for god sake.

There's just so many confusing things going on and I don't understand any of it. I've never had this happen before. I usually know everything and anything. I've never had something be unpredictable or spontaneous since as long as I can remember, really.

I just want some answers and I don't know how to get them. I've never dealt with anything like this. No girl has really ever made me feel like this before. Sure I've been in some relationships but it's bound to happen when you live for decades. But none of those girls made me feel like this.

I feel my pocket vibrate. I sigh and take my phone out of my pocket. Killian's name pops on the screen and I scowl. Great. Why won't this kid leave me alone. When people say younger siblings are annoying Killian takes that to another level.

I'm not saying all younger siblings are annoying because my little beauty happens to be a younger sibling and I don't hate her. I actually like her a lot... I'm getting off point.

I take out my phone and see a picture of Killian grinning on my couch, in my house, drinking my whiskey. I roll my eyes and shake my head.

I can never get rid of this guy.

I walk out of my building and hop in my black muscle car. Maybe I should go visit Iris at college? You know just to make sure she's safe and well fed and stuff...


I pull up to her school and random people stare at me and my car. I look around for Iris but I don't see her yet. I hear a small laugh and immediately know it's Iris. My eyes follow my senses and my eyes come into contact with a group of three guys.

That doesn't make sense? How did I hear her laugh from them. One of the guys move slightly and I see Iris in the middle of them. My breath gets caught in my throat and my hands tighten against the steering wheel.

I feel a sting on my arm and I hiss. I look at Iris and see one of the bastards put his hand on her shoulder. I gulp and I feel my gums start to burn with pain. Just itching to come out and kill.

I pull to the curve of the side walk and park. Iris glances then looks back at the guys then she does a double take and looks at my car again. She squints her eyes to get a better view. Her eyes widen with realization.

I focus my senses on my hearing. "Uh I have to go." Iris tells the stupid little boys.

"Why? Don't you want to hang out with me? Maybe come to my house afterwards?" Idiot number one says and I feel my anger grow.

She's mine you idiot! "No I'm okay maybe another time. Actually probably not. I don't really want too." She smiles like what she just said wasn't offensive. I chuckle mentally. Iris, always so blunt.

He clears his throat and his friends snicker mockingly. "Anyways I got to go. That guy is waiting for me." She points to my car with a smirk and walks away from them. Ha! That's what they get!

She approaches my car and knocks on the passenger window. I roll down the window and she bends down slight to lean her arms against it. "What are you doing here?" She ask. 

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