Chapter 20

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Levi's POV


She isn't like any other girl. Yeah , I know that you must've heard that a thousand times from guys talking about some girl , but really , she isn't just a girl. She changed me , like no one else could even ever do. It even sounds so damn impossible. I mean it isn't just her beauty and flaws , it's her attitude. The way she talks , how she treats people , it's just jawdropping. I can't even forget to mention her voice. That voice is just angelic , amazing , fantastic. It makes my heart melt , and I kinda hate that feeling sometimes.

Who knew that an idiot like me could be able to be with , to deserve , this angel. I never thought I'd be able to find someone , to love me . To actually care about me , to understand me. Well ya , I had Naki , but she really never knew my pain , shared my pain. (Y/n) was someone who knew my pain , because she felt it. She'd experienced it. Even more than I have , and she was just always there. I regret all the secrets and lies I've kept from her . She trusted me , I trusted her , and I can't believe I f*cking broke it.

Don't get me started on the way she cleans . I have to admit , she's even better at cleaning. People call me a cleaning freak , but wait till they meet (Y/n) , she 10x worse than I am. She won't go in the house if her shoes are dirty. She won't even care if she left her shoes that cost , what ? Hundred dollars? In the rain? She really doesn't care. Where did she even get the money from? She cleans 24/7, nonstop. At least I don't have to worry about my girlfriend being a damn slob.

And her height , *snicker* She's shorter than me , *snicker*. Who knew , that someone in this world can be shorter than me? I can't even believe it. I do have the interest in taller girls but she's an exception.

I just love her so much. My face doesn't give a damn about that statement , and i'd like to keep it that way. Oh , and when she gets mad ,  I swear she's annoying as hell. She's just so cold , and mean , and kinda thug. Her face would turn into mine . I get offended because it feels like she's impersonating me. Her eyebrows would be furrowed , she'd shut up , and all her sweetness and kindness would disappear in a snap.

"Why are you mad?" I ask her , seeing that there's something wrong with her eyebrows.

"Says the one who's mad 24/7." She scoffed. Looking away.

"Oi , why are you mad?" I ask one more time.

"Why do you care." She's starting to annoy me now.

"You better tell me or else you'll f*cking regret it."

"What? Throw me in a lake? Do whatever the f*ck you want then."

"What is up with this brat?"

"I don't know , maybe a guy just splashed mud on her WHITE shirt in the sidewalk today!"

"Totally not my problem."

"It's my favorite shirt Levi! If he wasn't in his car I'd rip out his organs!"

"Tch. Not my problem." I say , finally walking away.

"Then what was the point of your question when you don't even care?!"

She gets really fiesty. She'd go even more wild too if someone took her food. She loves food , like really loves food. Tch , she keeps spending money on food. Her combat skills are high ranking as well . Can't you see what she did with Naki? I'm proud of her , because she'd be strong enough to kick somebody's ass while I won't be there beside her.

This girl , she's intelligent. Sometimes her mind can go from a blank canvas to a canvas just full of life's questions. Jaeger told me that she wasn't like this at all and it'd normally be a bad thing , though once I asked , she told me everything was okay. This girl , hides secrets that I have to discover myself. How do I fully know her. Who is she? She was just a sudden miracle brought in my life. Our first meeting wasn't that great , but hey , look at us now.

People say we're an adorable couple. Adorable? Is that an offensive statement or something? I don't know , but whenever someone says that , (Y/n) can't help but laugh , in my side I just show no emotion. (Y/n) told me that I should really express myself more. How am I supposed to do that? Say I love you and some shit? No way. She knows that I love her and she understands me greatly.

Ok , I love her. A lot. I didn't want to fall in love. Isabel and Farlan was a perfect example of love , and they used to encourage me to find my 'soulmate' , since they found each other. Can't believe those two fuckers left me here. Yet , they'd end up teasing me about (Y/n) , or I wouldn't have met (Y/n).

I just love her. So much.

But that night - that night where I almost lost her. That night when she lost all the trust she built around me in the four years of being together. That's where I lost all of it. I lost all my carelessness , and I became paranoid of every move I made , scared that it might destroy our relationship. If only I trusted my guts and left that company earlier , this wouldn't have happened. If I didn't move closer she wouldn't have flinched and fall. This was all my fault. I would've lost her , and she would have been gone forever. I would've seen the image of her body , cold , dead on that cemented sidewalk , seeing her bright red blood on the pavement. Seeing it on my head just wants to make me puke.

And that night she left when I was sleeping , when she was mad at me for lying - and when she left me alone for two whole weeks. Two weeks without her was dreadful. I had to think about what she went through at such a young age. And I had to realize that I added up to that pain in her life. I was being a burden , wasn't I? She saw her parents murdered. How can she recover from that? Then all of a sudden - her sister - the only person she relied on and who protected her all those years - was taken from her too.

When she fell from that tree , if she didn't hold on to that branch that slowed down the impact of her fall - she would've been severely injured. And I lost my temper and I shouted at her. I made her remember things she didn't want to remember. I reminded her the feeling of losing her family , and I had to see the pain in her eyes , as she cried. I hurt her. And I was being an idiot. I should've been more careful. What would Farlan and Isabel say? Would they be disappointed at me?

Tch. At this point , I'm not sure if I know what I'm doing is right. But whatever it is , I'm going to make sure (Y/n) and I stay together. She's the only person I've got left , and I don't have anyone else to go to.

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