You Know When

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Set in ninth or tenth grade
You know when you realise you're in love with someone for the first time?
And you're just laying there side by side; with the whole galaxy above you.
And you look at him and he is looking at the sky and the stars.
He is just talking to you, about something he loves; something you love too, because he loves it.
You are watching, and listening; he is the most fascinating person you'll ever meet.
And it just hits you.
How much you love him.
How much you are loving this moment, right here.
How he is pointing out different stars and planets, and talking about them with such passion it is impossible not to be interested.
You love him so much it feels as if your heart will explode with this feeling.
But you don't care, as long as it means you get to love him.
You're watching him, not the stars, because nothing will ever be as beautiful as him.
You love him so much you wonder if you ever didn't love him, because this isn't just a strong emotion like joy or despair. It is so much stronger, so much deeper and so, very intense.
You don't have to wonder if you'll ever not feel like this. You know you won't, because this love isn't just a feeling. It's different. It's a part of you.
You know when that happens?
Because it's happening to me right now.
I'm watching Farkle and I'm smiling; this love filling me up.
He turns to look away from his planetarium sky and gives me a questioning smile, "Riley? You're smiling at me weird. Do I have something on my face?"
Suddenly I want to stop smiling, even though my heart is still screaming with love.
I want to stop smiling because I can't tell him.
But I don't.
I smile through like I always do.
But Farkle frowns, he can tell my smile is strained now, "You okay?"
"Yeah," I say, attempting to laugh it off, "why wouldn't I be?"
"I don't know, but I'm sure you could tell me."
I look at him for a few moments and then turn to look up at the stars.
The stars that have provided answers to thousands of people over millions of years.
I take a breathe and close my eyes.
I love Farkle.
It doesn't matter if he loves me or not.
I love Farkle and will love him no matter what.
And I can't risk our friendship.
I open my eyes and turn to Farkle, smiling a genuine smile, "I'm okay, for real." I assure him.
He smiles back at me, he knows I'm telling the truth. "You know, Riley Matthews, you're the most fascinating person I've ever met."
I try to stop myself from smiling so widely, but I can't help myself. "You too, Farkle Minkus, you too."
Now we're looking at each other. Just looking; just watching.
Suddenly the universe above doesn't seem so vast and complex; compared to Farkle it's nothing.
"So, you were telling me about Andromeda?" I prompt him after we've been staring at each other a little longer than platonic friends are supposed to.
Farkle gives himself a little shake and tears his eyes away from mine; beginning to talk again; his passion, interest, and curiosity evident.
And I'm watching him; listening to him and I'm completely in love with Farkle Minkus.

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