It's Not Your Fault

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Based off the prompt: And you still won't admit it.

~set in their senior year of high school, riley and farkle have been dating for a while now~

There are many ways to say 'I love you'. Clutching your sobbing boyfriend and telling him it's not his fault that his father died in a car crash, is one of them.

They're on the fire escape outside Riley's bedroom window, and Farkle is sobbing into her, as she holds on to him tight. She rocks him back and forth slowly. "It's not your fault, Farkle," she whispers into his hair, and she's crying herself now.

Riley can't deal with this. Seeing Farkle like this. So heartbroken, so hurt, so damaged.

But she has to, because he has to, and the only worse thing than watching him going through this was ignoring him while he went through this.

"It is," he sobs, "it is, and you still won't admit it because you don't want to love a murderer. It's my fault."

She puts her hands on either side of his face, and lifts up his head so their at eye level. "It's not your fault, Farkle."

"I was driving the car, Riley."

"It's not your fault." She repeats firmly, before letting out a sob.

"It is," he whispers, sounding terrified.

She shakes her head, hands still on Farkle's face. "No," she cries, "no, it's not."

She pulls him back into her, and now they are both sobbing. "It's not your fault," she whispers over and over again. "It's not your fault, it's not your fault."

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