I still miss you

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~set during their college years, farkle and riley are both 20~



Eight letters.

Three words.

One sentence.

Not I love you.

I miss you.

It meant the same thing anyway.

I held my phone in my hand, looking at the text; my heart beating faster than it had in a long time. With trembling fingers I unlocked my phone to stare at the message a little longer.

Two years.

It had been two years since we'd seen each other, and he was texting me, now? Why?

I stared at the message.

I miss you.

And then, with trembling fingers I began to type my reply, almost without thinking.

I miss you too.

I stared at it for almost five minutes before finally pressing send.

I took a deep breath as the 'whoosh' sound confirmed that my message had sent.

Barely 10 seconds later my phone started ringing and I almost dropped it in shock.

"Farkle?" I answered the phone, my mouth dry and my heart beating even faster than it had before, which seemed impossible.

"Riley," he sounded so relieved.

We were both silent for a while, just listening to the sound of each other breathing on the other end, It had been two years.

Two years.

Finally Farkle spoke, "I didn't think you'd reply,"

"Of course I would," I replied without missing a beat, and I swear I could hear him smiling.

"Look, I know— I know it's been a long time, but I was back in New York and I just... missed you, I guess," Farkle said, honestly and awkwardly. "I was wondering if... if you'd like to catch up?"

No, you could say no and avoid a world of pain.

"Yeah, of course, I'd, uh, I'd love to." I said, and it was true. I missed him.

"I'm at Topanga's, if, um, you'd wanna meet up now."

"Now?" I said, slightly surprised.

"Yeah, no, of course, I mean, if it's too late notice," he blabbered.

"Yeah, Farkle, I can meet you now," I interrupted him.

He stopped blabbering, "Yeah?"

"It's fine, I'll be down there in ten-ish minutes, okay?" I told him.

"Okay, see you soon," there was a hesitance in his voice, as if maybe he thought I'd say no to coming and now was regretting asking me.

We hung up and I sat on my bed staring into space for a few moments, trying to process what was happening.

Farkle. I was seeing Farkle, the first boy I'd ever loved, the boy whom I maybe still loved, and he was just downstairs, closer than we had been in years.

I caught my reflection in the Bay Window window.

My God, my hair looks awful.

I got up quickly, and changed into some faded jeans and a flowy, dark purple, sleeveless top. I went into the bathroom, brushed my hair, and put a little bit of mascara on. I walked out into the living room and sat down on the couch to pull on my short black heeled boots.

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