It's You and Me

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~set during girl meets high school part two, do not read if you haven't seen the episode~

~just after the clique six came back together in topanga's~


It felt good for them to all be back together, even if the fight had only lasted a few days, they'd never had such a big group fight before. The others began to eventually leave, Lucas and Zay first, and then Smackle, till it was just Riley, Maya, and Farkle.

Maya watched Farkle and Riley from out of the corner of her eye, she knew Farkle felt guilty about what he'd said to Riley.

Clearing her throat, Maya stood up, "I better get going, I'll see you guys at school, okay?"

Riley smiled up at her, "Yeah, see you tomorrow, Peaches."

"See you Maya," Farkle said, giving her a little nod in thanks for leaving him and Riley alone.

"Bye Farkle," Maya smiled, before leaving.

Riley looked at Farkle expectantly, "Farkle you've hardly looked at me since we got here."

"Because I don't understand how you can forgive me before I even said sorry?" Farkle asked, looking up at Riley.

"Because it's you and me, Farkle, I know you, and I know you're sorry that you said those things." Riley said earnestly, reaching out and touching Farkle's knee, smiling at him.

"I am sorry Riley," he said, "I was just upset and angry, I love that you believe in people,"

"And Pluto?" She asked.

Farkle smiled, "And Pluto."

Riley titled her head and smiled even wider at him, hand still on his knee.

"How about we go back up to mine and watch Doctor Who," Riley suggested, standing up, and offering her hand to Farkle.

He took it, smiling and standing, "I would love that."

"I think we could definitely use some Doctor and Donna right now," Riley said.

Farkle laughed and nodded in agreement.

They walked back up to Riley's apartment, holding hands the whole way.

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