I Had to Give You Away

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Based off the prompt: I had to give you away

~set in their senior year of high school~

"Farkle! Pick up the phone, Farkle! I know you're there!" Riley practically shouted into her phone. She hung up and sent him a very angry text.

Maya told me everything. What you did wasn't fair! You should've told me so I could decided for myself!

She sent it, and then for good measure sent another.

My happiness isn't your responsibility

She threw her phone carelessly onto her bed and flopped down next to it.

If he had just told me everything would be so different, she thought sadly. She rolled over and picked up her phone, waiting for a reply.

She managed to wait for almost a full five minutes, before throwing her phone back down, pulling on her shoes and stalking angrily down her fire escape.

It didn't take her long to reach Farkle's place, and she jabbed the buzzer aggressively, hurting her finger. "It's me Farkle, open the damn door and let me in."

There was pause. "Farkle's not here, Riey." It was Jen, Farkle's mom.

"Oh," Riley wasn't sure what to do, she hadn't expected this. "Did he, uh, say where he was going?"

"No, sorry, hun."

"Is it okay if I wait here for him? I left my phone at home, so I can't call him..." she mentally kicked herself for leaving it behind.

"I can call him for you if you want," Jen offered.

"No, no, it's okay, can I just wait?"

"Yeah, of course, I'll let you in now."

Riley pushed open the door as it clicked open, and walked up to Farkle's floor. She sat down on his bed in the silent room, and waited.


Farkle ran up the fire escape, and pulling open the window, he clambered through the Bay Window. "Riley, I'm..." but he trailed off once he realised the room was empty.

"Riley?" He called, running into her living room.

Cory looked up from the couch. "Nope, just us, Farkle, sorry." He turned back to Topanga, and muttered, "She needs to start locking her window, Topanga!"

"We thought she was in her room," Topanga told Farkle.

"I'll just give her a call," Farkle murmured, more to himself than Cory and Topanga.

He turned to walk back to her room, but Topanga stopped him. "Farkle, is everything okay between you?" She asked kindly.

Farkle nodded. "Yeah, we, uhh, just need to sort out some stuff," he replied unconvincingly.

"Well I hope everything turns out okay," Topanga smiled.

"Me too,"

He walked back into Riley's room, sat down in the Bay Window and called her. Her phone began to ring on the bed; sighing he hung up.

She'd left it behind. Great. She'd probably gone off somewhere so he couldn't find her... he should've just picked up.


It was almost an hour later when Jen pushed open the door to Farkle's room just enough so she could peek around the room. Riley was still there. She was lying on his bed, staring up at his planetarium. Jen sighed and shut the door. She wasn't an idiot, she knew something was up with Riley and Farkle. She pulled her phone out of her pocket and called Farkle.

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