What Now?

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Set in twelfth grade
Riley Matthews sat on her fire escape outside of her bay window, and watched as the sun set over New York. The sky was stained orange and her cheeks with tears. She let out a small sob, sniffed, and then called Maya again.

"Please, Maya," Riley whispered, chewing her fingernails, "please pick up."

She jiggled her leg up and down as she listened to the ringing, before it finally went to voice mail.

"God dammit, Maya," she whispered, hanging up, and trying not to cry.

She wiped her eyes and took a deep breath.

Focus on the sunset, Riley, just focus on the sunset.

Riley knew it wasn't Maya's fault that she was out of town just when she needed her most, but that didn't stop Maya from needing her.


Riley turned and looked up to see Zay.

"Zay?" She said, surprised to see him, wiping her eyes.

"I figured you might need someone, with Maya away," he said, sitting down next to her.

Riley nodded, "I called her, b-but, uh, sh-she's not picking up."

Zay sat down next to her, "Well, she's probably creating a masterpiece at art camp right now, or something."

Maya, along with a few other students in their grade, had been selected to go to an art camp in DC for five days. She'd left three days ago and would be back in two. It was strange how much could change in such a short space of time.

Riley rested her head on Zay's shoulder and began to sob, heart-breaking, gut-wrenching sobs. Zay hugged her and pulled her into him and let her cry. She cried until she felt physically empty, until finally, she had no tears left. Pulling away from Zay, Riley stared up at the sky, the orange had faded to a dull dark blue.

"Do you want to talk about it?" Zay asked Riley tentatively.

She shook her head, "Not yet."

"Do y'wanna go to the park and let me braid your hair with daises instead then?"

Riley managed a smile, "Yes, I'd love that."

They walked down the fire escape (Riley's parents were due home any second, and she didn't want them to bump into their distraught daughter in the hall), and walked the two blocks to the park. It was deserted, which perfectly suited Riley.

She sat on one of the swings and pushed herself back and forth lazily with the edge of her heels, while Zay scoured the grass for a few daises.

He began to braid her hair (he was rather good) in silence. Riley shut her eyes and tried not to think about Farkle and let herself enjoy this.

"I'm done," Zay finally said, and took a quick photo to show.

"It looks really good, Zay, thank you." Riley said genuinely.

She stood up on her swing, and rested her hands on the frame at the top, gazing into nothingness. Zay climbed up on the other swing, watching her.

"I think we might break up," Riley whispered hoarsely, after a few moments; still staring out to space. "We've never had a fight like that," she continued, turning to face, "ever."

"Farkle loves you, Riley. And you love him," Zay told her firmly.

Riley shook her head and turned away again, "It doesn't matter, Zay. You need more than love in a relationship."

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