Space and Braids

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Based off the prompt: I made your hair a mess

~set in ninth grade~


"Do you think we'll live to see aliens, Farkle?" Riley asks him.

"I dunno," he replies. "I hope so,"

"What if they killed us all?"

"Do you really think they'd do that?"

Riley shakes her head. "No, no I don't."

Farkle smiles at her.

They're laying on his bed side by side, staring up at his planetarium and talking about the universe. It's a hobby of theirs.

Riley rolls over onto her stomach and smiles at Farkle. "You know if you pay NASA or some company a lot of money they'll take you to space,"

"Yeah, I knew that... Do you want me to take you to space?"

"I haven't even been to Europe, Farkle. Space is a bit of a stretch. I just meant if you wanted to, could you do it?"

"Yeah, probably," he replies nonchalantly with a shrug.

"Wow," she says, lying back down on her back, "you really are rich,"

Farkle laughs. "You're just getting that now? My ceiling is a planetarium. I have a train in my room. My room is a whole floor!"

"I know your rich, Farkley, no need to rub it in,"

"I'm not trying to rub it in," he mutters, but Riley knows that anyway.

Riley sits up suddenly and drums her hands on Farkle's chest. "Alright, rich boy, let's see how good you are at hair,"

"Hair?" He asks, evidently confused.

"Yes, hair, you know the stuff on your head, genius?"

"I know what hair is, Riles," he sits up too, "I just don't get what you mean,"

"Braid my hair, please?" Riley batters her eyelashes at him.

"You know I'm terrible at braiding hair, you need Maya or Zay for this kind of thing,"

"Just try it, your good at most things,"

"Why do you want me to braid your hair anyway?"

"Because it's annoying me,"

"Can't you do it," he points out.

"It's more fun if you do it, Farkley," Riley tilts her head and smiles. He can't resist when she looks at him like that.

"Okay, fine,"

She grins and kisses him on the cheek. "You're the best,"

He feels his cheeks redden at that. She passes him a hair tie and sits in front of him, pushing her hair back. "Uhh, so I get three parts, right?" Farkle asks.

"Oh my god," Riley mutters, laughing.

"Was that a yes or a no?"

"A yes, idiot!"

"I thought I was a genius?" He can't see her, but he knows she's rolling her eyes.

It takes him almost ten minutes to do one large, loose, messy, plait. "I made your hair a mess," he sighs. "I told you I'm bad at this,"

"I'm sure it's not that bad, Farkle," Riley turns to face him and hands him her phone. "Take a photo, so I can see,"

He takes one quickly and hands the phone back to her. Riley looks at it, then back up at him, "Farkle, it's fine,"

"Are you sure... it's all messy,"

"Yeah, but not in a bad way, in a easy going kind of way,"

"An easy going kind of way? Is that even a thing?"

"Yes," Riley insists, then she does the head tilt and smile thing, "plus, it's by you,"

He feels his heart flutter, and he smiles at her.

"C'mon," she says, standing up and offering out her arm, "let's go get something to eat, plus I want to show off my wonderful new plait,"

Smiling despite himself, Farkle stands up and takes her arm, and together they walk away.

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