Sick as a Goose

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Sick as a Goose

~set in late ninth grade, riley's dating lucas~

Riley had left her window unlocked in hope that someone would visit her after school. She'd been home sick with a fever and cold; Maya had seen her in the morning, and had been reluctantly dragged to school by Cory.
She was reading Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban when she heard the sound of her window being pushed open. Riley looked up from her book, and smiled. She was somehow not surprised to see it was Farkle who was climbing through her window.
"How are you feeling?" He asked, wandering over and sitting on the edge of Riley's bed.
Riley shrugged. "The same, I guess, just less tired."
"Wow, that is a lot of tissues," Farkle commented in amazement, pointing at the waste paper basket next to Riley's bed which was over flowing with scrunched up tissues.
Riley sniffed and laughed in agreement.
"You really are as sick as a goose, aren't you?" Farkle joked.
"Farkle, 'Sick as a Goose' isn't even a saying," Riley told him, smiling affectionately.
"Then what is the saying?"
"I dunno," Riley replied, with an exaggerated shrug.
"Well it's 'Sick as a Goose' now, because I'm 'Donnie Barnes: Regular Goose', remember?" He joked, grinning.
Riley laughed, before saying dramatically, in a low voice, "And I'm Morotia M Black... Swan."
Farkle laughed, "That was pretty good," he said, hi-fiving Riley. Riley giggled and Farkle smiled at her affectionately; Riley smiled back.
Farkle spoke first, breaking the growing silence between them. "Lucas would've come, but he said he can't risk getting sick before his first game this week,"
Riley frowned for a moment before smiling again, "I'd rather you were here anyway," she admitted.
"Yeah, me too," Farkle murmured, his eyes locked on Riley's; both of their hearts racing.
Once again it was Farkle who broke the silence, "Do you wanna watch a movie or something?"
Riley's face split into a wide grin and she nodded enthusiastically; he knew exactly what movie she meant. He hung his head and sighed with exasperation, but smiled despite himself. "Okay, fine," he agreed, "but you can't sing along, because your throat is already dead."
Riley crossed her heart and nodded solemnly. "I, Riley Matthews, promise not to sing along to the songs in Ella Enchanted."
They did anyway, they always did.
"CAN ANYYYYBODYYYYYY, FIIIIND MEEE... SSSOMEBODY, TOOOO LOVE," they belted out the whole song; they knew it off by heart, they'd watched this movie too many times to count, it was their childhood movie. Farkle got himself and Riley a hairbrush to sing into each, and even stood up on the edge of her bed to dance and sing—almost crushing her laptop—causing Riley to go into a fit of laughing and coughing.
By the end of the movie Riley was exhausted—belting out Queen was tiring.
"How y'feeling?" Farkle asked, turning to look at her as the credits rolled. The two were both lying in her bed under the covers at this point.
"Well my throat is deader but my spirit is up," Riley croaked with a laugh.
Farkle smiled, and kept looking at her affectionately for a few moments, before sitting up and closing the laptop; putting it on Riley's bedside table.
"Tired?" He questioned, looking at her in that same affectionate way.
She nodded, "Yeah."
He picked her Harry Potter book up from beside her, and turned around to lie on his stomach; opening the book and leaning it against the pillow.
Riley smiled softly, shut her eyes and snuggled up next to him. He smiled down at her, before beginning to read, and eventually she fell asleep.

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