In Love and Terrified

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~set in the summer after their second year of high school, farkle and smackle broke up almost a year ago~

"Riley, it's me again, please pick up your phone... I don't know what I'm supposed to have done... It's been over a week since we last talked, I can't stand not talking to you... You know what? Fuck this, I'm coming over. Right now."

Riley blinked back tears as Farkle's voice mail ended.

What the hell am I supposed to do?

I can't tell him.

Can I?

He sounded serious about coming over, Farkle didn't usually swear, so Riley did what all 15 year old girls who are scared of their feelings would do, she locked her window and hid behind her bed.

Less then two minutes later, Riley heard him outside, trying to open her window. "Riley," he said, knocking on it, "Riley, I know you're in there!"

Riley stayed behind her bed, chewing on the inside of her mouth.

Just go away, please, so everything can stay the same.

"Riley, let me in, god dammit!" Farkle yelled, hammering on the window.

Half reluctantly, she got up, unlocked the window, and sat down on the floor, leaning against the Bay Window, determinedly looking ahead and not at him. Farkle climbed in and sat next to Riley, watching her, and waiting for her to speak.

Say something, Riley...

I can't, if I do, God knows what'll come out of my mouth.

She glanced at him out of the corner of her eyes, to see him watching her, she looked away quickly, her racing at a million miles an hour.

I can't screw this up.

"Riley, why are you avoiding me?" Farkle asked, trying not to sound angry.

Riley turned to look at him, determined to lie her way out of it but at the sight of his face, he was less angry, he just looked confused, worried, and scared, she realised she couldn't, she couldn't lie to him anymore. "I... I don't want to avoid you, Farkle," Riley told him, her voice breaking slightly.

"Than why are you, Riley?" He asked desperately.

"I can't tell you," Riley bit her lip, as her eyes filled with tears.

"Please don't cry, Riley," Farkle said, gripping her hands and kissing them, "please tell me what's wrong so I can fix it, please. I want you to be happy."

Too much, too much.

Riley wriggled her hands out of Farkle's and quickly walked over to her bed, sitting down and wiping her eyes. "I know, I know you do, Farkle, that's what makes this so hard."

"Makes what hard?" Farkle questioned, concern in his voice, walking over to sit next to her on the bed.

"You and me, our relationship has never been complicated, every relationship in my life is complicated, farkle, except for ours, and I don't want to wreck us, but complicating it." Riley said, looking right at Farkle.

"Riley, you know there is nothing that you could do that would change the way I feel about you, right?"

That's exactly the problem, you feel differently from me.

You're not in love.

"I know," she whispered sadly, looking away.

Farkle placed a hand on her cheek, wiping some of her tears away with his thumb, "Then tell me," he said softly.

Riley looked back up, and taking a deep, shaky breath, she said, "I think I'm in love with you and I'm terrified."

She registered surprise in his eyes and expression, and she expected him to take his hand away and to step back, but he didn't.

He kissed her.

Riley was completely taken by surprised, and was temporally frozen with shock, and then she was kissing him back, and getting as close to him as she possibly could, savouring the feel, the taste, just everything about this moment; all of their senses on fire like never before.

"Wow," Riley whispered, her hands still on either side of Farkle's face, she vaguely registered that in her attempt to get as close to Farkle as possible, she was straddling him. "That was..." but she was lost for words, completely in awe.

"Unexpected?" Farkle prompted, smiling.

"Yes," Riley replied softly, beaming.

She kissed him gently.

"Wonderful?" He added.

"Yes," she repeated, kissing him again.

"Riley," he breathed, pressing his forehead to hers; their noses just touching.


"I'm in love with you too,"

Riley smiled, and kissed him again.

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