The artist

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Clara lumbered sleepily around the hallways of the TARDIS, trying to pinpoint the location of the mysterious music that was resonating throughout the spaceship. She wondered aimlessly for a while before she stumbled upon two giant oak doors with thousands of carvings. She let her hand trail over the different marks on the door before noticing the doors were slightly ajar, letting the music flow through the empty TARDIS hallways.

As she got closer the music suddenly stopped, but it quickly restarted with a new melody. She listened closely and pondered that she had never heard such beautiful music come from a piano. The song was happy, but it hid a world of sadness within its chords. She slowly opened the huge wooden doors to find, much to her surprise, the Doctor sitting at the piano. His eyes were closed and his sleeves were rolled up. He looked extremely at peace while playing. His long elegant fingers moved up and down the piano, while his eyes were closed and his brow was furrowed in concentration. He didn't even hear her enter because he was still concentrating on finishing the melody.

"What's it called?" Clara's small voice asked from behind him.

He opened his eyes and slowly turned around.

"Please don't stop, it's a beautiful melody." she continued, a small smile on her face.

The Doctor looked down in embarrassment at being caught playing the piano. He was good at it, but he felt embarrassed that Clara had caught him with his guards down. The only time he let them down was to play, so he could let his emotions out and into the keys of the piano.

"Please, don't stop it Doctor. That was amazing, you're a phenomenal pianist." she repeated quietly.

He turned around and closed his eyes, ready to finish his song.
Correction, her song. As he started to play again, Clara sat down and curled up on one of the many leather armchairs littered throughout  the room. She closed her eyes and let the music flow through her. They stayed like this for a while, him playing and her listening.

Before long, the song was over and the Doctor got up to leave, but Clara's gentle voice stopped him.

"Don't go, I want to know what it's called."

"I think that it's called Clara." he whispered back.

He then tried to leave again, but Clara slipped her hand into his and whispered, "Teach me. Please Doctor, teach me."
He looked at her and sighed. He could never deny those big brown eyes.

"Okay, I'll teach you the first few chords but no more than that." he replies.

"Thank you, Doctor!" she shouted excitedly, then ran off to sit in front of the piano.

"Oh, Clara" the Doctor whispered to himself. He loved her way too much.

He sat directly behind Clara so that her back was pressed against his chest. He could smell her perfume and feel her heartbeat. He inhaled deeply, wanting to remember this moment for a long time. He wanted to remember her smell, the colour of her hair, those beautiful eyes, and most of all, her being alive and safe with him. He knew that one day she would have to leave him and he knew that he'd be to blame. He was snapped out of his thoughts by Clara asking him if he was alright.

He gave a gruff 'yes' and placed his hands over hers.
With his hands on hers he directed her to play through the song before beginning to teach her the first chords.

Clara let him take control of her hands as she leant back against him. Like the Doctor, she wanted to remember this moment forever. She wanted to remember his long, curly, silver hair, his beautiful, stormy, blue eyes, the goofy smile he gave her before he started to play and most of all his heartbeats. She was in love with him, and she had been since the day she had met him. She would never give him up. The world would take her before she let him go. She knew that one day she would inevitably leave him, but for now, she would just live in the moment.

"Clara?" The Doctor's voice roused her from her thoughts.

"Are you ready to have a go?" he asked.

"Actually Doctor, let's just forget the piano for a second. There's something I want to tell you." she said softly.

"Um...okay." he said, slightly worried.

She turned around until she was facing him, sitting on his lap.

"Clara?" the Doctor whispered, his voice shaking slightly.

Clara wrapped her arms around his neck before leaning in and whispering to him. "Doctor...I love you. I've always loved you, and I wanted to say it before it's too late."

The Doctor, for the first time in centuries, was speechless. He didn't know how to respond, so he didn't. He just lent forward and kissed her.

Clara had to take a second to register what was going on before kissing him back. He pulled her close and wrapped his arms around her waist, running one of his hands through her hair.
Clara was the one to pull back first, as she was running out of breath.

The Doctor put his forehead against hers and whispered, "I love you too, Clara Oswald."

I hope this reads better after I had it re-written with the grammar corrected by a fantastic and very helpful friend. ~ Gee

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