Universal Courage

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The Doctor had fought armies with his bear hands, monster would run and cower at the mere mention of his name, but nothing could compare to the fear he felt at this very moment.
'What if she said yes for a joke ?"
"What if she's under some spell ?"
"She doesn't love you"
All these thoughts swirled round his mind but as soon as Clara stepped through the doors and slowly walked down the isle, all of his troublesome thoughts disappeared.
She was beautiful, absolutely astounding, gorgeous and most of all she was his and he was hers in turn.
He fidgeted as she slowly made her way to him, she saddled up beside him and took his hands.
"Hey, hey it's ok" she sensed his nervousness and squeezed his hands.
"Clara, my Clara" he whispered.
"Doctor, my Doctor" she smiled.
The priest stood before them and started to ramble on "dearly beloved we are gathered here today..."
The priest drolled on until he got to the vows.
"You've written your own, so if you would like to say them this is the time, I'll just go change to my sacramental head" The priest warbled.
Clara giggled at the madness of it all.

The Doctor turned to Clara and looked straight into her eyes and said "Clara Oswald, I have loved you in every single one of my lives, I have watched the birth of the universe and the deaths of millions of stars but nothing compares to the moment in which I met you for the first time".
"Clara Oswald, you have made me want to believe that the universe has something good to give, that if I fought long and hard enough that maybe you'd never leave me and I hope you never will, because Clara, my Clara I love you with both of my hearts and I would do anything to see you smile, to see you happy. I will love you until the universe collapses and the stars die out, I will never stop loving you and I can never stop being amazed at the fact that I'll get to love you for the rest of our lives". His voice cracked slightly at the end, while both his and Clara eyes brimmed with tears.
Clara wiped her eyes and cleared her through before saying "Doctor, my doctor you have shown me the most amazing things, we've fought aliens, monster and all sorts of horrific things but I'll never want to give up that life because, I've always been happier in the madness knowing you'd be by my side always".
"Doctor I can never repay for the life you have given me, you have forgiven me at my worst and have made me feel like I'm the most important women in the universe and you've only ever asked for my company".
"I love you Doctor and I will love you till the day I die, I want to be there for you when you feel like you can't go on, I want to be the one who picks you up after you fall down and most of all I want to be your wife, Doctor their will never be a word to describe my love for you so, I'm going to have to settle for the words...I do".
The priest returned and turned to the Doctor and said "well Doctor if you say I do, then you may kiss the bride" he chuckled at the fact The Doctor was still in awe at Clara's words.
"Oh...yes...I...um...I do" he fumbled.
Clara chuckled before pulling him by his tie for a short and sweet kiss, while everyone cheered in the back ground and the faint flash of a camera lit up the room. 

Later on, Clara and The doctor sat in the back of the room watching everyone talk and dance.
The Doctor pulled Clara closes as he ran one hand through her hair.
"I still can't believe we're married" he whispered.
"Yeah me too" she nodded in agreement.
She wrapped her arms around his waist, snuggling into his side before quickly whispering "I love you so much"
"I love you too and it's going to take all of my universal courage to prove it too you" he smiled back.
She didn't know what he meant now but she knew in time, she'd understand what he meant by 'universal courage'.

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