The Truth

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"DOCTOR WHAT THE HELL IS HAPPENING !?" Clara shouted over the noise that the Tardis was currently making.
Both inhabitants of the Tardis were being thrown wildly around the ship, sparks flew from everywhere and the cloister bell rung loudly throughout the sentient spacecraft.
"WHAT DID YOU SA-" but before she could finish her sentence she was thrown to the floor with a loud thud.
The Doctor quickly ran over to Clara as the ship started to stabilise.
"Clara ! Clara are you ok ?!" he asked, his blue eyes full of concern.
The Doctor knelt down in front of Clara to help get up.
"Yeah I'm fin-" she turned her head to look at The Doctor, his face was inches away from hers.
They stared at each other for what seemed like hours before they were interrupted by a voice outside of the Tardis. 
"What the bloody hell is that !" a high pitched voice shouted from outside the doors.
"Well John it's obviously a 1960's police box, but thats hardly the question we should be asking" a deep voice rang through their ears. 
The doctor got up and put his hand out the help Clara up, once that was done  they made their way slowly towards the doors.
"Doctor, are you sure we should go out there? We could always go somewhere else, run from the chaos?" Both The Doctor and Clara staring laughing hysterically.
"Come on, let's go" said The Doctor. "Ready?"
"Always." The Doctor opened the TARDIS doors to find two men staring directly at him.
He stepped outside the TARDIS and Clara was sure to follow.
"Well" said Clara. "We've seen worse."
"Who the hell in God's name are you?" Piped up John, astonished.
"I'm the Doctor. Just the doctor, no assumptions now please."
"That's not your real name." Stated Sherlock. "Clearly some disguise. Now tell me 'Doctor', what are you running from?"
"Well obviously that's not my real name, what are you some sort of pudding brain?"
"Doctor!" hissed Clara. "More to the point, who are you?" Said Clara.
"You just fell from the sky in a 1960's police box and you want to know who we are ?" Said John.
"Yes, seeing as I've just landed in your home I would like to know the two occupants names" The Doctor muttered.
Clara elbowed the Doctors side
"ow !"
"Shut up Doctor and I'm so sorry about him he's just a big old grump" she put on her sweetest smile knowing it must be hard for these two people to comprehend what was going on.
The Doctor looked at her quizzically, trying not to pout.
He wasn't a big old grump, he really hoped Clara didn't mean that.
He thought the world of her and it would break his hearts if she didn't return these "feelings."
"Well" said Sherlock.
"I'm Sherlock Holmes, consulting detective and probably the only reason London is as safe as it is."
"Clearly you haven't met us" muttered Clara, barely audible. "And I'm Doctor John Watson, I tag along with Sherlock on his cases, would you like to come in?"


The four adults sat down in the living room. Clara and The Doctor on the sofa and Sherlock and John on their chairs.
The Doctor shuffled uncomfortably in his seat, while Sherlock stared at him with a weirdly intense gaze.
"Tea anyone ?" John piped in trying to break some of the awkward tension.
"Umm yes I'll think some tea would do us good, should I help you John" Clara quickly answered.
John looked between the two men before answering "err yes why not Clara, kitchens this way".
Clara got up and followed John into the kitchen leaving The Doctor and Sherlock alone.
"So Timelord eh ?" Sherlock smirked.
"How on earth would a pudding brain like you know that" The Doctor spat back.
"I have my sources"
"You mean Mycroft" The Doctor sighed irritably.
"Ah, so you've heard of my insufferable brother"
"I work with U.N.I.T and since he works for the British government...well we sometimes meet" The Doctor said bitterly.
"But enough about your brother, I'm more intrigued by you and your partner John" The Doctor smiled.
"I'm a consulting detective, only one in the world and as I said before John helps me solve cases, would you like me to tell you your life story ?" Sherlock smirked knowing what was about to happen.
"That would be very ambitious of you Mr Holmes but go ahead, be my guest" The Doctor smiled.
"Well you're clearly not of this world, but you have an affection for Earth since you're always busy saving it. Judging by your clothes you like to give off a calm and authoritative demeanour, but your hair tells me that you secretly have no control over your own life and that's why you bring a companion with you because, while you are smarter than the average human you just like having someone to make you look and feel smart. You don't keep companions because you love or care for them, you just don't want to remember what an evil and selfish old man you are, because deep down you know that as soon as they enter your ship it's a death sentence, while you may save many planets, you Doctor are just a scared little boy running away from the judgement of his home planet"
They sat in silence for a few seconds before the Doctor spoke "well, you seem to think you know everything about me, so let me return the favour".
Before Sherlock could answer The Doctor started.
"You grew up in the shadow of your older brother always thinking you weren't good enough, Mycroft always told you to be cold and clinical and never to trust people, only to read them and you secretly resent not being able to properly convey your feelings. You've had a string of drug habits, especially as a teenager, the only reason you're not dead is because Mycroft was always there to stop you, you might be smart Mr Holmes but you still do drugs which makes you an idiot. Like me, you have John to make you forget about your past, but you care for him, a lot, one could say you even love him" The Doctor stood up and made his way towards the door "and I suggest you tell him before it's too late, because there is one thing you got wrong about me and that's, that I don't love my companions because when I lose them apart of me dies too, so don't you dare tell me I don't LOVE THEM !" He shouted the last part.
"Goodbye Sherlock"
And with that The doctor slammed the door and left.
Clara walked in and looked confused "Where's the doctor ?"
"Outside" Sherlock uttered.
"Oh well it's been lovely meeting you, good bye John, Sherlock.
She hugged John and started to walk out the room but someone caught her arm before she stepped out the door.
Sherlock pulled her into a hug and whispered "tell him Clara, before it's too late"
She looked at him and nodded before saying one last goodbye to both men.
They watched the Tardis materialise before sitting back into there usual chairs.
"Ok, what the bloody hell just happened, we met an alien and you hugged someone this must be a dream" John quipped.
Sherlock sat there with his hands under his chin not saying a word.
"Sherlock ?"
"I love you"
"What ?"
"I love you John"
"Do you not love me ?"
"I... I...yeah I do, I love you Sherlock"
And before Sherlock could say anything John walked over to Sherlock and pressed his lips against Sherlock's.
For a minute Sherlock didn't respond, but then his senses kicked in and he wrapped his arms around John's neck pulling him closer.
Once they parted, due to the lack of oxygen they both smiled before John sat back and his chair.
"So any interesting cases you need to solve ?" John smiled.
"Yeah the case of my bedroom and why you're not in it" Sherlock smiled back.
They looked at eachother before sprinting off into Sherlock's bedroom, hand in hand.
"Doctor ?" Clara called out into the seemingly empty ship.
She waited a few seconds before she saw something move on the top level of the control room.
She realised it was The Doctor and moved slowly up the stairs to where he was, he was sat curled up in his armchair and it was clear he had been crying.
"Oh Doctor"
"Go away Clara" The Doctor protested weakly.
"Never" she smiled.
She made The Doctor move over in his chair (with only a little protest from him) and she wrapped her arms around him.
"Tell me what's wrong Doctor"
"Everyone I ever cared for is either dead or I ruined them" he sniffled.
She held him tighter as he started to sob.
"Shh" she stroked his hair "it's okay Doctor"
"But it's all may fault, it's always my fault" he choked out.
"Doctor listen to me, being a companion to you is one of the best things that's ever happened to me and yes, one day I will die, be it of old age or at the hands of another. I will never regret the days I spent with you, so don't you dare ever blame yourself for our deaths" She kissed his hair and intertwined her fingers with his.
"Clara, did I ever say I loved you"
"No but I always knew"
"But I love you too, you daft old man".

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