Can't help falling in love

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"Clara have you ever danced before ?" the Doctor asked shyly.

"Why of course I have Doctor" she responded.

"Ah yes how silly of me to ask, I just thought...that possibly...ah never mind...anyway planets, there's a moon made of-" he was cut of mid sentence by Clara's hand slipping into his.

 And her saying"Doctor just tell me what you wanted to say" "it's just me" she squeezed his hand lightly to let him know it's ok to ask her

"well I was wondering...if well...if you'd like to go dancing ?" He uttered quickly.

"Of course I'd love to go dancing with you, just give me ten minutes to go change" she skipped out of the room.

But not before saying "oh and Doctor, never be afraid to ask me anything" and with a wink she was gone.

 The Doctor let out a breath he didn't know he was holding and entered the co-ordinates for their trip.

An hour and a half later Clara was back but there was something different about her that the Doctor just couldn't put his finger on, maybe it was the beautiful red dress she was wearing (in his eyes she was always beautiful but he'd never admit that) or the way her hair was perfectly curled or -

"Doctor ?" "Doctor ?" "Hello earth to Doctor ?" He hadn't even realised that Clara had been talking to him this whole time.

"Sorry...what ?" He asked.

" I asked you, how do I look ?" she repeated.  

"But I guess you were far to busy staring at me" she giggled slightly.

He flushed red with embarrassment.

"let's just go" he grumbled and pulled her out of the Tardis with him. They stepped out and into a grand ballroom, the room was littered with many beautifully dressed people, some wearing extravagant dresses others wearing golden silk suits, Clara stared at everyone in awe.

"I feel so underdressed" she uttered.

"You look fine" The Doctor uttered back.

"Yeah well that's easy for you to say you just put on a different coat" she whispered back.

"I thought you liked my red velvet coat" he pouted like a hurt puppy.

"I never said I'd didn't like's's...oh never mind let's just dance ok?" She replied.

People had started to pour into the dance floor, and naturally Clara pulled the Doctor into the middle of it. The music started with a fast paced melody that the string quartet played beautifully.

"Show me your moves you daft old man" she giggled as she held out her hand for him to take.

"Prepare to be amazed Oswald !" The Doctor exclaimed doing one of his adorable goofy smiles in the process.

He locked hands with Clara and put one hand on her waist and taught her the basics of the dance, and not before long the were dancing the night away to the beautiful melodies of the string quartet, just happy to be dancing with one another.

Hours later they stumbled tiredly into the Tardis, those fast paced dance moves taking a toll on their bodies.

"I've definitely done enough dancing to last me a lifetime" Clara sighed with happily.

"Yeah me too" The Doctor agreed while sending the Tardis into the time vortex.

"But out of all the dancing we did Doctor, I just realised we never slow danced" she said.

"Oh yes...that must have completely slipped my mind...oh well maybe next time" he quickly said.

"Doctor...just one more dance please..." She gave him her best puppy dog eyes.

"No absolutely not...too much work to do" he said.

"please" she pleaded her big doe eyes making his heart melt.

"Ok just one more...but no more than that" He uttered shyly.

He slowly rounded the console until he was facing Clara, he pulled her close, linking there hands as he had done earlier that evening and placing an arm on her waist, while Clara placed her free hand on his shoulder.

He spoke over his shoulder to the Tardis to "just play any old slow dance song".

Immediately Elvis Presley's: Can't help falling in love poured through the speakers and filled the console room. They slowly danced around the console room, both of them had nervous smiles on their faces as they danced along to the music.

Eventually they stopped and just stayed in one spot swaying to the music gently, Clara laid her head upon his chest, the Doctor wrapped his arms around her and rested his chin on top of her head.

Clara could feel his hearts beating faster under her palms, she wondered why the Doctor had picked this song, 'was he trying to tell her something , no that's just silly and anyways the Tardis chose the song' she thought. She felt the Doctor wrap his arms around her tighter and much to her surprise he started to sing the last few verses'.

"Take my hand"

"Take my whole life too"

"For I can't help"

"Falling in love with you"

As he sang the last line the Doctor pulled Clara back and looked straight into her eyes as he sang "Falling in love with you".

Before she could say anything he bent down and kissed her, it was only a fleeting kiss, barely even there but it still made Clara feel like the luckiest girl in the universe.

After he stepped back from the kiss she asked "why ?".

"Because Clara Oswald...I can't help falling in love with you".

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