Ch4 - Gym

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Chapter 4


Bella's POV

        Classes that afternoon went by, and my mind was still far, far away. I knew it sounded weird, but I would admit that I kept on thinking about Edward. I was walking to my next class and boom! GYM! Oh my, I hoped that my gym class today would be good to me. I wished that I would not have any bruises or maybe break my bones, because literally it sounded me. CLUMSY! Ugh!

        I went to the girl's restroom and changed into my PE uniform. I went out and saw that they're playing volleyball. Great! I tried to think of fake illnesses so that I could skip class and went home. But I knew I'd never make it. No one believed me because I was, unfortunately, a terrible LIAR! I remembered my mom telling me that I was an 'open book'. I asked the coach not to let me play today, but he refused. I positioned myself and the game started. I did not notice the ball going to my direction until I heard someone yelling my name. I hit the ball, but it landed on the head of Mike.

        "Woah!" Mike exclaimed.

        "Mike!" I yelled.

        "Oh my, I'm so sorry, Mike. I told them not to let me play but they refused. I'm s-sorry," I said, feeling upset.

        "N-n-no. It's okay," he said.

        "Are you really sure it doesn't hurt?" I asked.

        "Yeah. It'll pass, don't worry." He smiled.

        "Okay, I'm sorry again. Bye."

        "Bye, Bella." He waved, and I walked away.

        I blamed myself, especially the coach for refusing my excuse of not playing. I went to the restroom and changed into my clothes not bothering to say goodbye to our coach. I was done changing when I saw Alice coming inside the room.

        "Hey, Alice," I called out.

        "Bella!" Alice grinned.

        "So how were things with Jasper so far?" I asked dying to know what's going on between her and Jasper.

        "Well, I don't know. I think that I'm in love with him already, but I'm afraid he'll not like me back," she said hesitantly.

        "Don't be. As beautiful, smart and kind hearted you are, I'm sure he'll return the feelings you have for him," I said, trying to cheer her up.

        "Oh, that's very kind of you, Bella. I've seen myself falling for him. He's very kind, and he showed me his care. Please help me, Bella, I don't know what to do." Alice used her, what I assumed to be, puppy dog eyes.

        "Sure, I can talk to him about that. I'll ask him but promise not to give any hints about your feelings for him."

        "Thanks so much, Bella, I owe you so much." She smiled willingly.

        Finally, I confirmed that Alice felt something special for Jasper. And my task was to help her and Jasper express their true feelings towards each other. I didn't want to break any of my promises to Alice. As I was walking to the door, Alice called out for me.

        "Bella, I want to thank you again for being good to me. I can't imagine myself being new here and having a friend like you," she said whole-heartedly.

        "Thanks so much, Alice. I just want to welcome people here because I don't want to make them feel alone or unwelcome." 

        We waved each other goodbye and exited the restroom.


        I went directly to Emmett's jeep and found Edward beside his Volvo. I opened my cellphone and saw Emmett's text.

        Bells, I'll be late. Just take a cab in going home. Sorry :( -Em

        It's okay, Em. I'll just go home ahead. -Bella

        I walked beside Edward and chatted with him. "Hey, Edward! How's school this afternoon? Did you meet any friends?" I asked.

        "It has been great. Yeah, I met Eric Yorkie and her girlfriend Angela," he answered.

        "Oh! They're my friends, too. Angela has been my best friend since my junior year here, and I met Eric in photography club last year." 

        "Okay. They're nice. Aren't you going home? It's getting late already." 

        "Actually, I am. I'm not planning to wait for Emmett. I'll just take a cab home." 

        "I can take you home, besides Alice will be fetched by dad soon," he offered.

        "Are you sure?" I asked.

        "Yeah, get in." 

        I got in the car, wore the safety belt while he turned the engine on and played classical songs on his stereo. We talked about random things. He mostly bombarded me with questions about my family and I. Next, he asked me about my likes and dislikes. I told him that I liked to read books, especially Wuthering Heights, and he did, too. I also told him that I didn't like wearing heels or fashionable clothes. I just wanted to be simple but decent. I asked him the same questions, too, and he told me he had a passion in music and playing the piano. Soon, we were parked outside my house, so I thanked him again and bid him goodbye.

        I walked inside the house and kissed my parents. I told them that Emmett will go home late. I went upstairs and changed into my night clothes. I opened my bag and started doing my homework in my table. After a couple of minutes, I recognized that Emmett already got home when I heard his jeep in the garage. I fixed my things and laid on my bed. My mind was still flying away, from the events that happened this morning and the conversation Alice and I had. It was a very tiring day, so I decided to turn off the lamp beside me and drifted off to sleep.

A/N: The awaited chapter of my book.. I will keep my word to continue writing this book and thanks for the support.. I will update tomorrow if I have time.. I made it a little longer and I hope you enjoy.. <3

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xoxo Lion_Lamb_13 xoxo

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