Chapter 29 - Locked & Handcuffed

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"Would you please stop fisting your hands? You're making me uneasy." I hissed to Emmett. We were at the Cullens' house to hang out but Alice has planned something.

"Bella, how would I calm down? You say Rose will be here!" He stammered. My brother and her ex were having a hard time to stay and hang out with us because of each others' presence. Back to the time when they broke up and have had so many mishaps. It's just irritating!

"It's already the middle month of April! It has been a month Em, please just... control yourself." I looked intently in his eyes and he nodded. I was afraid that they'll never be together again. Alice and I had planned so many things to help them work out but it failed.

"Bella!" Alice called out as she and Edward made their way towards us. We said our hellos and I gave him a quick peck on the lips.

"Rosalie and Jasper will be here soon. Act normal!" Alice said.

I honestly admit that everytime we were together, the atmosphere's covered with thick awkwardness, mainly because of Emmett and Rose. They barely talk and I could see how hurt my brother was. But I don't want to interfere with their relationship. We settled on the couch and watched lame tv shows until we heard the screeching of tires. As Rose entered the living room, I clearly saw that she froze in her place but immediately composed herself. I gave her a friendly hug and waited for Alice's words.

"I figure out that this whole break up thingy should be solved. So..." Alice clamped the handcuffs in Emmett and Rose's hands.

"What did you do?!" Rose shrieked and Alice plastered a smug smile.

"I want you two to talk! Everything's a mess already! And I don't understand why you need to break up! Just please talk! That will be for the best." With the help of Edward and Jasper, they pushed both of them going to the guest room and locked the door.

"ALICE CULLEN! I WILL KILL YOU AFTER I GET OUT OF THIS DAMN ROOM!" Rose slammed her fist in the door and kept on shouting but Alice pursed her lips, fighting the urge to laugh.

"Now, it is our time to spend quality time with our boyfriends." She chirped.

"Fine. Fine." I muttered.

Alice and Jasper headed to her room to watch movies and cuddle in bed. While Edward and I took a walk in Esme's beautiful garden. As we kept on strolling, we managed to be quiet and it's totally fine with me. Silence and a piece of mind was something I want after a hell of a month. After the break up, men in our school were all over Rosalie. Of course who will not be? A gorgeous, smart, kind and loving she is. Everyone deserves her but my brother commited the mistake he will truly regret throughout his life.

"Bella?" A soft velvety voice that I love spoke.

"Hmm?" I turned to him and saw his emerald eyes twinkling.

"Would you be my prom partner?" He asked, too gentlemanly.

"Silly. Of course I want to!" I threw myself into him and wrapped my arms around his neck.

"Tell me bout your spring break in Alaska, we haven't talked about it yet." I felt him tense.

"Uhm, it was really great. We visited our old friends and our house there. That's all."

"Oh okay." I said but something's bugging me, I just can't figure it out.

Moments later, we sat on the bench to take a rest. "Edward, I want to ask you something."

"What is it?" He snaked his arms into my waste and pulled me closer beside him.

"Promise me that you'll never do anything to hurt me? Promise me you'll remain loyal and honest to me." I fidgeted with the hem of my shirt.

He pulled my chin up to meet his own eyes and said in a soothing manner. "I will never ever do anything to hurt you. You're the most precious gift I ever had and I will and always love you no matter what."

I could feel tears forming in my eyes at how honest his words were. My heart has never been happy when I met him. He's the reason why I still managed to live. I kissed him passionately and my fingers raked its way to his soft bronze hair. We finally parted, catching our breath and we stayed there watching everything in sight, wrapped in each others' warm embrace.



"What the hell?! We're locked in this guest room for more than an hour and the worst, I was handcuffed with him by the demon pixie!" I sat on the floor and fought the laughter from escaping when I forgot that we were connected through the handcuffs and accidentally pulled him to his butt.

"Rose?" He said, getting my attention.

"What?" I closed my eyes, hoping that tears won't fall.

"I know that I was being a complete asshole when I hurt you by making out with another woman. But believe me Rose, I love you. I still love you. I don't know what has gotten into me to just leave you instead of comforting you. I really am very sorry and I regretted the things I've done that upset you. Please, can we at least try to be friends again? I don't want us to just drift apart. Everybody deserves second chances right? If all I have to do is to wait until I gain your trust back, I will do it. I will willingly do it." I could hear all the sincerity in his voice.

The tears I've been holding back finally trickle down my cheeks. I don't want to pretend that I don't love him anymore. I love him always and forever. I quickly wipe the tears with my free hands and thought of something to answer his questions. "Emmett, I was beyond upset when you did it to me. I felt betrayed. All the pain and memories of that day will remain in me. I don't know when could I totally look at you or speak with you without the feeling of something stabbing my heart. I love you so much that it hurt me to the extent. I can't promise to guarantee you as a friend after everything but I felt that time will heal all the wounds."

"Rose, I will wait until the day that you could finally look and speak at me without any glint of hurt. I will wait until the day that we will be together. No matter how long that'll be, I will be here always." I remained quiet.



"Goodbye!" Alice yelled as we approach our cars. "Prom is coming! Expect to have shopping next week!" She added and I groaned.

"Edward, save me from your torturous sister!" I whined.

He chuckled and said, "You know that I don't have any power over her right?"

"Right!" I groaned again and hopped to the car.

"Goodbye love."

"Goodbye Edward!"

"So how was the experience of being locked and handcuffed?" I asked as Emmett started driving.

"Honestly, the worst and the best feeling." I arched an eyebrow and demanded for further explanation.

"Well, worst because I can't stand the silence and awkwardness with her. And best because I finally got to talk with her."

"Then it's your time to promise me!"


"Remember all the mishaps that you've been through? The bruises and wounds you had?"

"Uhm, yes." He said sheepishly.

"Promise me you'll never get to the point to cross over your boundaries again. I already told you that Rosalie was just being friends with other boys and you acted as her night and shining armor. Never fight with someone again! Control yourself! And, never leave me with mom again because I can't stand her overreacting emotions and being bombarded with millions of questions!"

He chuckled and raised his right hand saying, "I promise!"

A/N: So what do you think? Will Emmett and Rose overcome their problem or will they be forever apart? Let me hear your thoughts!

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xoxo Lion_Lamb_13 xoxo

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