Roslice's Point of View
Esme opened the door and immediately the expression of shock covered her face. Everyone else in the room looked confused, probably trying to figure out why I was here.
"Well, can I come in or are you going to make me stand out here all night?" I asked, attempting breaking the awkward silence that hung in the air.
She hesitantly nodded and moved back from the entry way, so I could come inside. Once I stepped through the door, I weirdly gripped at my bag straps and looked down at my feet. I felt outnumbered and alone. The only people I had to call family had just "found out" that I was using them for some "bet".
"Why are you here?" Bella questioned rudely, as I continued staring down at my feet.
I laughed silently and faked hurt, as I placed my bags by the door. I looked up at Bella and placed my hand over my non beating heart. "Don't you miss me, mother?"
I stared her down and tried to keep the straightest face I could manage, but after a couple of seconds I busted out in fits of laughter. God, this might be a little fun after all. Bella simply scowled in reply and rolled her eyes, as she plopped down on to the couch.
"No seriously, all jokes aside. I'm here because eventually I knew you'd be back for me and couldn't risk my parents being caught in the crossfire." I stated bluntly, folding my arms. Edward growled lowly at the word once I mentioned Alice and Jasper as my parents.
"They are not your parents!" Bella roared, as she went to lunge at me, but was held back by Edward.
"See, that's where you're wrong, you never loved me. It's always been Ness this and Ness that. When in all actuality, I am the better twin." I bragged, aiming that last part at Reneesme, who had just entered the room silently. Her face began to contort into jealousy and anger.
"That is not true!" She yelled, running at me, as Jake, or as I call him the mutt, pulled her back to his chest.
I laughed, "Ness, you do exactly what Edward does, the only difference is, instead of reading other's mind, you can show them your thoughts."
She pondered a bit and as my words sunk in, realization washed over her entire face. Sadness replaced her previous emotion, anger. She sunk into Jacob's arms slowly and sighed.
"Well, I don't see you doing anything special." She retaliated triumphantly. From beside her, the mutt smiled, causing me to hiss lowly. Those two together made me sick.
I laughed, "Sister I have more powers than you combined!" I yelled.
The smile that was once worn upon her face had been erased and replaced with a frown.
I made a tsk noise and began to walk towards her, which caused Edward, Bella and the mutt to tense.
"If you'd like me to prove it, I can." I said with a smirk.
"Roslice, that's enough!" Carlisle growled, walking towards me.
I scoffed and took a few steps away from, "Don't come near me."
"We respect each other in this house, understand?" He questioned me sternly.
I remained silent, grabbed my belongings and started heading up to my old room. I don't know how long I am going to be here, hell, I don't even know how it's going to go.
"You people aren't my family and you don't deserve respect." I whispered, but I knew for a fact they could hear. I trudged up the stairs to my old bedroom and fell back on my bed. This is going to be so hard. I won't be able to see my Seth, unless I ran all the way to Italy and back, which wouldn't work out, because I am not as fast as the rest. I sighed, as I lay staring at the ceiling, Is this even something that I could actually pull off.

Unwanted Cullen (Book #1)
FanfictionRoslice Camilla Esme Cullen.. Reneesme's twin sister. Ignored most of her life by the ones She wanted and needed most. Blamed for almost everything, and unwanted by the ones She called her "Family." *This story is in need of major editing*