Chapter 11: Youtube Friends (Revised)

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Kirenia led Tex inside, Tex still beet red. "You want to recover while I finish my video?" "I'll be right next ta' ya'." Kirenia then got a huge grin on her face. "You mean you'll be right Tex to me." Tex just smiled at her pun, and sat on the couch, Kirenia plopping down next to him. "You want a headset?" Kirenia pulled out a purple headset, and handed it to Tex, he sighed, took off his hat, put on the headset, then put his hat back on, feeling Kirenia lean into him as she picked up the controller. "I'm back everyone, and I have my new boyfriend with me. The video of him asking me to be his will be uploaded the same day as this video is. Now, we just saw Axel get wrecked, so we're going to follow the next objective." Kirenia turned her attention to the game, Iblis scooting his way under Kirenia's comforter, getting right in her lap. "Hi Iblis." Iblis nudged Kirenia's arm asking to be pet, and his plea was granted. Iblis flipped over onto his back, and chirred, asking for a belly rub. "Ok Iblis. Belly rub." Kirenia used one hand to rub Iblis' belly, while the other one stayed glued to the controller. Cali meowed, and tried to paw at Iblis, only managing to get his tail. Iblis screeched and turned around, ready to bite the kitten, only to be stopped by Kirenia. "Don't even think about it mister. She's just a kitten." Iblis huffed, and went back to his previous spot. "Good boy." Kirenia focused on the screen, and made the character move as fast as possible to the nearest hiding spot, finding a locker, and closing it. "Don't find me, please don't find me." The Alien yanked open the locker, and Kirenia screamed, watching as the Alien killed her. Iblis stretched up, and nuzzled Kirenia, trying to calm her, watching as his owner slowly calmed down from the scare. "Thanks buddy. Well that's all the time I have today, so I will see all you lovelies in the next video. Boi!" Kirenia pressed the button to end the recording, and sighed. "Now for a couple hours of editing." Kirenia's laptop started pinging, and Kirenia sighed. She pressed the button to answer the call and a voice came through, while there was clearly screaming in the background. "Dammit Nogla, stop pushing me! I'm trying to call Kirenia!" Kirenia looked to Tex with a sheepish smile. "Tyler? Do you need something?" There was a gunshot and Tyler responded. "I was wondering if you would like to play some Gmod with us? Mini and Vanoss aren't here, and it's kind of boring." "TO INFINITY AND DELIRIOUS!" "You fucking idiot, why the hell did you do that, know they'll know where we are." "They're up high, I just saw a knife falling!" "NO, HE WAS A SUCH A KNIFE GUY! WAH HA HOO! God dammit. You gonna play, or what?" "I'm guessing prop hunt?" "Yeah, RUN!" Kirenia grabbed her controller, and opened up Gmod on her console, going to prop hunt, and finding the right server, before joining the game. "I'M A PROP!" Kirenia was shot at, and she rushed to find a prop, finding a can, and making a mad dash, before hearing Brian yell. "LIL' CAN, SHE'S A LIL CAN!" "FUCK!" Kirenia darted behind a dumpster, and found a hoola girl, and changed, before a hole in the wall caught her eye. "I FOUND A SECRET!" Delirious chimed in. "Did you find a fucking secret?" Kirenia then mocked Delirious. "I found a fucking secret!" Everyone went nuts, hearing the impression of Delirious, even hearing his trademark laughter. A knife ran into the hiding spot, and by the name tag Kirenia could tell it was Delirious. "Oh hey!" Delirious jumped, and Kirenia jumped back. "Hey. Told you I found a OH FUCK! WE GOTTA GO, WE GOTTA GO NOW! IT'S MARCEL!" Kirenia sprinted to the hole, while Delirious followed. "KNIFE AND A HOOLA GIRL! THEY'RE A KNIFE AND A HOOLA GIRL!" "I got em'!" Nogla started chasing the props, shooting at them, before the two started juking him. Delirious made a sharp turn and Kirenia followed, while Nogla ran past then. "WHERE THE FUCK ARE THEY! Oh hey a potato!" Everyone started laughing at the Irish man's distraction because of the spud. Tyler spoke up. "Hey Kirenia could you tell some funny stories about killers?" "Sure. But who? Guys who should I embarrass infront of every person who sees this video." Lui called out in his squeaker voice. "FREDDY!" "Ok, my dad it is. Or I can tell about the time Leatherface ran from a cockroach, or the time Tex got dragged through horse manure thanks to his horse Prince." "I wanna hear that. How the fuck does a horse drag you?" "Well Tyler, it happened when his horse was still a colt, and he was about 10. He'd just gotten Prince, and was halter training him, he didn't notice the barn cat Lucky sneaking up, and he also didn't notice that his foot was in prime position to get caught in the lead rope. Now he'd called me over to see Prince, because I was huge into horses at the time. So I came over as quick as I FUCK NOGLA! DELIRIOUS RUN!" Kirenia had just been killed. "Any who, I came over as quick as I could to see the little guy, and was completely in love with him. While me and Tex were brushing him after two laps around the barn, Lucky got into the stall, because we had left the door open in case we needed to get out in a hurry. Prince was turned away from the door, and we were so focused, we didn't see the cat pounce, and startle Prince, so when Prince bolted, Tex's foot got caught, and he was dragged around for a good ten minutes in the paddock, while I tried to find Tinker so we could free Tex. The poor guy smelt so bad. I OW!" "NO MORE!" Tex was fuming, having hit Kirenia's shoulder to get her to stop telling the story. "Aww, but I didn't even get to the good part." "I said no more. I need to get goin'. I jus' got a text from Tinker sayin' Ma and Pa are gettin' worried. I call you if I'm comin' over." Tex kissed Kirenia's cheek, and handed Cali to her, before leaving, the kitten crying out loudly. "Don't worry honey, you'll get to see him again." "SCATTER!" "You're the only one you fucking idiot!" "Oh, right." Everyone laughed with Delirious, watching the timer, Moo counting down the seconds. "Left Delirious left. Nogla no please. He's a knife guy, he's a really knife guy." "Shuch up Kirenia." "Shuch up. Hahahaa. He did it again." Tyler started wheezing, and that sent everyone over the edge, loosing their shits. Gameplay continued for another hour, before almost everyone had to leave. Delirious and Kirenia were the only ones playing, deciding to go and play some sandbox. Kirenia spawned some dinosaurs, and decided to pull a Mini. "Delirious, go in between those buildings." Kirenia ran past the dinosaurs, and made sure they were following her. Kirenia ran past Delirious and he went nuts. "Hahaha". "I need backup guys. This isn't funny anymore!" Kirenia mimicked Mini, trying not to laugh. "I've got to go. My cats want to be fed." "Ok, bye Delirious." The call ended, and Kirenia shut off her recording. She flopped back onto the couch, just as her phone pinged. It was a video from Tex, and the subject said "Dog Shaming, and say Hi to Buck!" Kirenia tapped it, and began to watch.

It Is You I Have Loved (Cancelled For Rewrite)Where stories live. Discover now