Chapter 12: Uncle Pennywise (Revised)

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"I got home and what do I see? Someone chewed up my good lasso." Tex held up a badly chewed rope. "And there's two suspects." Tex turned revealing Mary Sue, and a German Shepard. "Buck, did you chew my lasso?" Tex held up the rope to the German Shepard, and it just sniffed the rope. "No, it wasn't my dog Buck. But what about my brother's dog Mary Sue?" Tex held the rope towards Mary. "Mary, did you do this?" Mary turned away, looking extremely guilty. "Mary, did you chew my lasso?" Mary started to back away. "Mary! Bad girl, go to your crate." Mary turned and left the room, then Tex turned to Buck. "And you let it happen."

Kirenia smiled, and shook her head, texting Tex.

R-Very funny. Does she do that often?

T-Not often. She's still young and hasn't learned. But we're trying to teach her.

R-I take it you were furious when you found out?

T-Fuming. Tinker was wondering what the hell I was yelling about. When he saw the lasso, he told me to record it.

R-Can I put this up on my channel?

T-If you want. Just give me credit. And what do you think of Buck? I got him just a few days ago.

R-He's great!

T-Want me to bring him over the next time I come?

R-We'll see.

T-I've got to get going. I might be over tomorrow, sound good with you?

R-Fine with me.

Kirenia set her phone down, and pulled over her laptop, starting to edit her recordings, making sure to insert the video from her camera at the right time. She left the Gmod video mostly unedited, just adding effects, music, sound, and pictures when she needed too. Titan came up, and jumped on the couch, laying his head on Kirenia's shoulder. "Hey, big boy." Kirenia rubbed his head, making the dog smile. Cali made her way over, moping. "Cali girl." Kirenia set her laptop aside, and picked up the kitten. "He's coming over again tomorrow." Cali perked up a bit, and mewled. "You really like Tex don't you?" Kirenia let Cali climb up on her shoulder, where the kitten layed down. Scout came next, hopping up next to Titan, and yipping. "Hey boy." Kirenia rubbed his head, making the Corgi's tail go nuts. There was another knock at Kirenia's door, and she wondered who would be at her door at this hour. Kirenia cautiously stepped towards the door, ready to make her tail appear and use it at any moment. She peeked through the peephole and sighed. Kirenia opened the door and peeked out. "Uncle Penny, what the hell are you doing here at this hour?" "Well, I heard about what happened from your dad, and decided to come, before the old man got word." "Come on in." Kirenia stood aside and let the shapeshifter in, watching as he waited for her to close the door. "Go ahead. Say it." "I told you so. Than man was nothing but trouble, but you didn't listen. He's different you said, you believed he could never hurt you, and he did." "He had me convinced he changed." "And he lied, just like the other countless times he said he changed. ZYu should consider yourself lucky he didn't hurt you. And feel even luckier that the old man hasn't learned about this yet." "If gramps knew he wouldn't come after me, he'd go after that jerk! It would be best if you leave, I'm starting to get angry." She spread her wings reaving that several of her feathers had turned white. Eyes wide, the clown before her raised his hands, and slowly walked out the door, making sure not to turn his back to her, knowing full well about how moody she could be, and what would happen if he continued to upset her.

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