Chapter 17

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Today has been officially one of the worst days of my life so i'm sorry that this chapter sucks even though i don't think anyone is reading lol. Anyway if you are please comment and vote. Ilysm xx


I know i told my mom that i'm going there in a few days but i can't stay here. This time i really need to forget him, and i will. I am determined to forget him. I deserve better, he's just a mess. He never loved me and he never will. I can't give him what he wants because i'm saving it for someone who truly loves me, someone who deserves it. I run away instantly, without fighting or trying to figure out things. I simply leave. Since i couldn't get any sleep i decided to pack tonight, that way i'll be able to leave in the morning. I put everything i could find into my bag. Leaving only a few clothes behind since they couldn't fit in the bag. Even though i didn't know what my parents' reaction is going to be, i'm taking everything and i'm not coming back until i'm over him.

After i was done packing, i went to the kitchen and made a cup of tea. I sat next to the window, drinking tea and scrolling through Tumblr. There i felt like i was in another world, a world i dream of living in. Finally, i took a small piece of paper, writing down a message for Harry, then i grabbed my keys and left the apartment.

*Harry's POV*

After we were done, realization hit me. I did something wrong and Lae would never forgive me.

"I'm gonna shower" I informed Jenna and she nodded.

I walked into the shower and let the warm water wash away the guilt and shame. Like that was possible. I stood there deep in thought, letting the hot water relax my muscles until i heard my phone ringing. It's Lae, i'm sure. I turned off the water and wrapped a towel around my waist. When i walked into the room i found Jenna putting my phone back on the nightstand.

"Who was it?" I snapped, making her jump in surprise.

"Uh.. Wrong number"


"Who was it?"

"It was some girl asking about you but i told her that you were in the shower" She smirked.

"Who the fuck gave you permission to answer?" I asked, my teeth clenched and my fists were balled.

"Is she your girlfriend?" Sh was still smirking, somehow amused by my anger.

"Shut. The. Fuck. Up" Without another word i put on my clothes then i grabbed my keys and walked out of the apartment. I opened the car and jumped in, calling Lae but i was put in voicemail. Fuck. She was mad. I hope she doesn't leave because i know that this time she's not coming back. I drove as fast as i can and to my luck the road was empty. I tried calling her again but her phone was turned off. I parked the car, jumping out of it and climbing the stairs. I can't wait any longer and the elevator would take ages. I rang the bell about a thousand times while banging on the door until i was yelled at by the neighbors. I immediately remembered that Lae always hid a spare key in the plant right outside the door. I dug my fingers in and finally found the key. I opened the door only to be greeted by silence. Dead silence. I look around the apartment but i found nothing. She even took most of her clothes which meant that she won't be back. As i walked back into the living room i found a small note on the coffee table.

'I'm done' She wrote.

Those two words are simples but they hold so many meanings. I read the note again and again and again. No. She can't be. She always runs away but never like this. Where could she possibly go? I really hope she's not where i think she is. I really do. I messed up everything. Right after we kissed i broke her heart.

*Lae's POV*

Here it is. Home. My dad owns a big farm with a huge house. I hated it. I never felt safe there, it never felt like home. It was do big and cold, full of maids and servants which made me feel uncomfortable. That's why i chose a collage away from home, because i hated it. Because there, my parents don't have full control over me. They both loved this life; being rich and living in a huge house. I've always loved simple lives and small houses.

As i reached the front gates, i got out of the taxi, taking my bags then handing the money. Two servants immediately took my bags leading me inside to where my family was sitting.

"Lae?" My mom said looking up from her magazine.

"Hey mom" I smiled

"I thought you were coming on the weekend" She stood up and hugged me.

"Yeah but i decided to come earlier"

"Is everything okay?" She took a step back, looking into my eyes for an answer.

"Everything is okay. I felt homesick so i decided to come here earlier"

"That's great. I'll tell them to prepare your room immediately.

"Okay but where's dad?"

"In his office upstairs"

I needed to talk to him so i decided to do it right now since mom wasn't with him which makes it easier. I smiled a bit when i found him in there, sitting behind his desk, reading some papers. I knocked twice then walked in.

"Hey dad" I smiled.

He looked up at me and he stood up and pulled me in for a hug, kissing the top of my head.

"Hey babygirl. I've missed you so much"

"I missed you too" I felt my tears threatening my eyes but i did my best to stop them.

"What are you doing here during weekdays? Don't you have classes?" His smile turned into a frown.

"Yeah i do. But i was thinking of moving somewhere else.." I said, playing with my hands.

"Where to?"

"I- i was thinking maybe Paris. I want to study art there.."

"Art? But you're studying law. Why study law and end up as a broke painter living in a small, cheap apartment in Paris?"

I regret telling him but now that i started i needed to finish.

I took a deep breath and exhaled deeply. I could feel a big lump in the back of my throat. I wanted to cry, but i couldn't. I'm in my dad's office talking to him about college and i need to prove to him that i'm a big girl now, that i can make my own decisions.

"I dropped law school"


"I'm sorry dad but i can't do it. I never wanted to be a lawyer or whatever you wanted me to be. You're the one who taught me to fight for what i want."

He shook his had in disbelief then took a deep breath.

"I told you to fight for what you want as long as it was good for you. You are making the wrong decision and i should've listened to your mom. Sending you away was a bad idea, you were never like this. From now on you're staying here and you're go to college here. You'll keep taking those ballet and french lessons like you did before. You are a member of The Wilmington family and you better make us proud. And now you are dismissed."

"But dad-"

"I said you can leave now. I maid it clear that you are staying here and i'll talk to your mom about it" He went back to his work leaving me speechless.

I walked out of the office and ran to the stables. As i found one of the grooms i asked him about my horse, Billy. He lead me to his stable and i quickly got on him and rode away until we reached the stream. I got off Billy and sat on a rock listening to the sound of the water splashing against the rocks. For once in ages i felt relaxed. I took out my diaries and started writing. I wrote down everything i was thinking of but never dared to say. I took off my shoes and put my feet in the cold water of the stream. It felt nice and calm. I wish i could stay here forever with no one but myself.

I spend the whole day at the stream and i went back home in the afternoon. I quickly ran up to my room -which looked nothing like before- and i took a shower. I wore a nice, purple dress and a pair of black high heels, not wanting to get any rude remark from my mom. Right when i was done, one of the servants knocked on my door, informing me that dinner was ready.

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