Part 2

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Dean sat next to his brother with tears in his eyes.
"I'm sorry" Dean said quietly touching his brothers arm. Sam starting shaking violently. He was having a seizure.
"Sam! Help! He needs help!" a nurse rushed in followed by a few more. Dean stood in the corner of the room watching the nurses and doctors as the tears fell from his eyes. Once the doctors had stabilized Sammy again Dean sat next to him again.
"This is all my fault." Dean whispered tears still falling from his eyes. he rested his head on the edge of Sam's bed and soon fell asleep.In the morning dean got woken up by one of the nurses.
"Hi, i'm Anna. You must be Dean right?" Dean nodded his head, then rubbed his eyes.
"I brought you some coffee" Anna said handing Dean a cup of coffee as she flipped her curly red hair. Dean sat up and a blanket rolled off of his shoulders.
"You do that?" Dean asked Anna motioning his head toward the blanket.
"Yeah, looked like you could use it" Anna replied.
"Thanks." Dean took a sip off the coffee. "This is good."
"Got it out of the staff lounge." Anna shined a light into Sams eyes and checked his vitals.
"Is there a bathroom around here?"
"In the corner of the room."
"Oh." Dean put the coffee on the table next to Sams bed then went to the bathroom. when dean came out of the bathroom Anna was gone. he sat back down and drank some more of his coffee.
"Dean." Sam said as his eyes opened slightly.
"Sam? Hey, how are you feeling?" Dean said his voice gentle.
"My head hurts." Sam replied weakly.
"I'm going to go and get a nurse." Dean quickly left the room and found Anna at the desk.
"He's awake." Anna grabbed a few things and they walked over to the room. Sam's eyes were still open a little when they walked in.
"Hello Sam, I'm Anna. Do you remember what happened to you?"
"No." Anna looked at Sam through her glasses.
"How old are you?"
"I don't remember." Sam's eyes were closed.
"Get some rest." Anna said taking Dean out of the room with her.
"He has some memory loss as a side effect of his concussion, but it should only be temporary."
"Alright, thanks. Where's the cafeteria?"
"Main floor, why don't you stay with your brother and i'll get you something," Before Dean could reply Anna walked away towards the elevators. Dean walked back into Sam's room. he stared at his broken and bruised brother.
Should. Anna had said.
'Here." Anna said walking into the room and handing Dean a muffin and a container. Dean opened the container and found a Cheeseburger. Dean looked up at Anna.
"You talk in your sleep." Anna said with a smirk, walking out of the room. Dean smiled and ate his cheeseburger.
*3 days later*
Dean had fallen asleep again on the edge of Sam's bed. Only to be awoken by Anna again.
"Don't you ever go home?" Dean asked.
"Yes. you just haven't noticed it yet." Dean might not have noticed that but he noticed that Sam was awake for the first time in three days, he seemed much more alert then the other time.
"Why'd you just drive off like that?" Sam asked.
"I'll just leave you two alone then." Anna said walking out of the room. Sam waited for an answer.
"You don't remember?" Dean asked. Sam tried to recall but everything was fuzzy he only remembered a few things but bits and pieces were coming back. He was still trying to figure out who the girl was from his dream. the girl that Dean chopped the head off of. Sam shook his head slightly.
"What happened?" Sam asked.
"You were walking to the hotel, when someone jumped out and pushed you into the street. you got hit by a vehicle, then rushed to the hospital. you have a broken leg, a bruised spleen, three broken ribs, a skull fracture and a concussion. But everything is in place so they won't have to operate." Dean said slowly. Sam processed it then spoke.
"It wasn't someone, it was something." Sam remembered. "It had claws, and blood around its mouth." Sam paused looking at his arm. "And it scratched me." Sam looked up at his brother. "what do you think it was?"
Dean hesitated before answering. "I don't know. I'm going to be back in a bit." Dean got up and started walking to the door.
"Where are you going?" Sam asked.
"I'm just going back to the hotel to have a shower and get some clean clothes, i also have a few things to take care of." Dean walked out of the room, leaving Sam alone.
Sam waited for Dean to come back. He thought about the girl again. Why would Dean kill her. then he realized that she had fangs. Sam sat himself up despite the sharp pain across his chest. Flipping the blanket off he stared at his leg. Damn it. he looked at the crutches leaning against the far wall of the room. His head started throbbing but he ignored it. Dean hesitated earlier before he replied. Dean knew what it was. Deans going to have to tell Sam when he finds him. Sam swung his legs out over the side of the bed. his chest hurt and his head throbbed but he managed to stand up on his good leg. he looked at his arm realizing their was an iv in it and a pulse and oxygen meter on his finger. he was about to take the iv out when Anna walked back in looking at her clipboard. she looked up and they both froze.
"What do you think you're doing?" Anna asked, putting her clipboard down.
"Umm... looking for dean." he admitted.
"You shouldn't be up and about in your condition." Anna said helping him back into bed. "The guy who hit you wants to see you." Sam nodded, and Anna brought him in.
"Hi i'm Jim Collins." Jim paused running his hand through his dark hair. "uh... how are you feeling?"
"Like i got hit by a bus."
"it wasn't a bus, just a van." Jim rocked, shifting his weight from one foot to the other. "I just wanted you to know that i was really sorry, and i'll pay the medical bills."
"Well I forgive you, it wasn't your fault it was the guy that pushed me into the streets fault."
"You're starting to remember some stuff again?" Anna asked happily.
"Not much, little bits of fuzzy pieces."
"I should be going." Jim said walking out of the room quickly.
"Get some rest Sam. Don't try getting out of bed again without some help. I'll call Dean for you." Anna said, once she left he found himself slipping from reality into sleep.

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