Introduction 4: Light Orange and Pale Green

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"Again. Play it again." Nectra pleaded. She was my best friend. "Okay." I said and tapped something on my iPod. I put it on it's speaker and the song, "Maid of Evil" by Len and Rin Kagamine played (cause it's my favorite song). My room was dark.

"How do you like this if you don't even know what it means?" I asked her, running a hand through my bright orange-red hair. "Ever heard of subtitles?" "Oh." She sat up from my bed. "Yeah. 'Oh'. Haha!" 

Nectra was cool. She had big brown eyes and her hair was in two ponytails. "What're you staring at? Is there something on my face?" I shook my head no. "Nothing. It's just that there's a giant zit on the center of your forehead." I joked. She jumped and went to a mirror. "You liar!" 

I laughed softly. "I hate you." She said playfully. I rolled my eyes. "I know you love me." Nectra punched my arm softly. "Psh, you're lucky you're adorable." I crossed my arms and blushed. "I'm not adorable. I'm manly as hell."

"Okay. Right! Sure thing Cal." "It's true! See look at my, uh, manly... personality." I said, pretending to flex. All she did was fall on the floor, holding her stomach. Her face got red. 

"You're so stupid." I said, poking her with my shoe. Someone knocked on the door. "Oh no, Cal. PEOPLE." I rubbed my arm. "D-don't mock me." I will admit. As manly--- yeah no. I will admit that I'm pretty shy when it comes to other people. Heck, it took Netra like two years to warm up to me. 

I opened my bedroom door to see my dad. "Yes?" "Cal, there's someone here to see you." Nectra paused the music and came out with me to the living room. My house was colder than usual, even my black and white striped long sleeved shirt isn't enough. There was a man in a... pink tux? How long has it been since I've been outside?

My dad stepped out of the room. The room was too bright, I had to squint. "Psst, Cal." Nectra slipped my special glasses onto my face. "O-oh.. thank you." I said, touching the frames. I then realized that there were two men next to him. They were dressed in a black attire. 

I rubbed my arm automatically. What's with this guy? What am I supposed to do? I looked passed him. The window was bright. I could tell that it was still snowing, as it usually would. "Yoohoo. Over here, boy." He said. I looked towards him. "U-um.." "Yeeeaaahhh well. You're probably wonderin' why I'm here aren't you?" 

"E-er...." I stammered. Oh God, just say yes Cal! Nectra sat next to me. "Mhm! What're you doing here? And just who exactly are you? Do you really have time to talk to this boy right here?" She asked. Nectra was such a child. 

"Calm down, friend. I'm just a man with business to take care of with your little pal over here." I kind of hugged myself a bit. I'm so embarressing. 

"Now, Flavian. I've heard that you have.. Heterochromia?" Nectra cocked her head. "What's that?" "Heterochromia is an ocular condition." I blurted out. 

She never knew this, via my colored contacts. Aw, now I feel bad. "Still not following." She said. "I only know that sometimes certain rooms can be to bright for him so he wears special glasses." 

I bit my lip. "Well, Cal's got this heterochromia. It's when the color in you eyes are multicolored. As in, one of his eyes are one color and the other is different. Weird right?" Now I was getting offended. My cheeks were started to heat up.

"How come I didn't know about this?" Nectra asked. I stayed silent. My dad told me not to tell anyone. How did anyone know about this? "Considering the look on your face, you don't have horner's syndrome nor waardenburg." He said. I shook my head no.

Dad said that I was in a small accident before my eyes got like this. In fact, he's not even my dad. He just adopted me from somewhere. The man stood up. He was right in front of me now. "Now, we can get this thing fixed. We can get you to an underground society where the doctors are magnificent." He said.

Wait, there's an underground society? What? Hah! No way am I doing this. I don't even care if it means fixing my eye color. That's stupid. Mom said that it made me special, so I'll believe her. "N-no thanks m-mister." I stammered. "Oh c'mon. Who would want multicolored eyes? Don't you wanna fit in, kiddo?" 

Well that was mean. "I-I said n-no." "I ain't leaving until you agree." He said. Okay, now I know that this guy is completely insane. I jumped out of my seat and planned to run away, grabbing Nectra. But now I know what the other two men are for. 

They both took me by the elbows. "O-oh." I said, not really putting much of a fight. They sat me back down. "Now, I'll ask again. Would you like to get your eyes fixed so that they're normal?" 

Nectra was punching one of the men's arms. Obviously we were both very weak that we couldn't even budge them. "N-no!" I said. "No, no, no,no, and no!" I tried yelling loud enough that my dad would come in. He did. 

"What's going on in here?" He asked. "Lay off my son, you bastard!" I squirmed out of their grasp and fell on the floor. Nectra ran to me. "You okay, Cal?" She asked. "Yeah, I'm fine." My dad scolded and forced the guy out of the door. 

"Note to self. Never let a guy dressed in pink into my house. Sorry kiddo." I nodded. "I-it's okay. Can you just turn off the lights, and maybe close the blinds?" I said, rubbing my head.

He flicked the lights off and closed the blinds. I took off my glasses. I could see perfectly now. He turned to me. "Speaking of notes, I have one for you." He said, handing me a plain envelope. It had olive colored ink on it. 

Carnelian Flavian.

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