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|*|*|*|Cal's P.O.V.|*|*|*|

I wake up to a buzzing in my head. There's a high pitched ringing in my ears and everything is dark. My eyesight is fuzzy and I can see stars and dots everywhere. My hands reach my face and rub my eyes and I soon regain my sight. 

I try and sit up, that wasn't a good idea. My head aches and I groan. What happened? Something touches my shoulder. My shoulders tense up, but I don't look at the thing/person/whateveritis. I start to relax when I touch it back. It was just a plant. 

My sides start aching and I feel crushed all of a sudden. There was something choking my neck, I open my eyes and I can fully see now. It was just Marazine hugging me. "Cal! Oh my goodness you little-- ugh! Oh my gosh!" 

I petted her back gently, not really sure about the physical contact. "Uhm... What's wrong?" I ask, scratching my head. Jasper was leaning his back toward a small tree that was a yard away.

He was flipping through my notebook. My notebook. "J-Jasper.. Can I have that back? Please?" My hand started to reach out to the notebook. He tosses the notebook toward me and it just slips from my hands. I start to grab at it again, then I see a black boot on top of it. 

We all look up. Lilith was standing there. Her hair was short in a bob still, but now she had some blonde highlights and her front bangs were up to her shoulders. She wore a sleeveless black shirt, black lace gloves, black and red jeans. 

"H-hi L-Lilith." I mutter, tugging on my personal property. "Hello, Carnelian." Hearing her voice was piercing yet fearful. "Is this yours?" She picked up the notebook, out of my hands. Great, another person looking through my private things. She flipped through the pages. 

I stood up, reaching out to the notebook. "Lilith, can I please have that back?" I asked her, trying my best to not make my voice sound shaky. "Of course." Lilith handed me the notebook. "Thank yo- where'd you go?" My head turned left, then right. 

Lilith disappeared. 

"He-e-e-e-e-ey Caaaaaaaaaal~" Someone said my name... flirtatiously? I looked behind me, Marazine and Jasper stepped back and a girl stepped front. Her eyes looked normal, no heterochromia or anything... Her hair was bright orange. Her skin was just as pale as mine and had an Aeropostle sweatshirt with some jeans. In other words, she was like my alter-ego. 

"Uh... Beebee? You're here too?" 

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