A Big Complication

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I got a call just before dinner. It was Dr. Guccario. "Jasper." He said, his voice into a whisper. "I have some bad news." I sunk to the floor, a sinking feeling in my stomach. I prepared to the worst, to hear those words. Your sister is dead.

But he didn't say it. Instead, he said, "The Facility said you can't go home yet. Our own hacker has tapped into the line and the cameras to block things out temporarily, so I have only minutes." "Okay."

In the background, I could hear shuffling feet and shouting. It definitely isn't my apartment. "Jasper, we know all about your plan to escape. Do it. But not all of you will come out."


"Do not interrupt, boy." A different voice said. The Vigilant that shoved me into the bus.

"Jasper, you must use the phone. The phone will shut down the crystal." The doctor said. "What phone?" I asked. "The cell phone the Vigilant gave you. It will shut down all of the crystals, and possibly destroy them for good. But it will explode and someone has to sacrifice themselves for it."

"Are you saying that... I have to sacrifice myself?" I asked. My heart dropped. Dr. Guccario grunted, "Oh my roses... I wish it hadn't come to this."

"Tell me from the beginning. What is the Facility?" He took a big sigh.

"The Facility started a long time ago. It was started as a cult against the SSA since they had used the crystals of the people of the Underground. Stacy Blaise... used to live in the Facility, but hadn't known that it was against the SSA. She was in the SSA bloodline, and had to take over. But every camp director was overrun by greed of power.

"The Facility is also run by dictatorship, which was SUPPOSEDLY PEACEFUL IN OUR SITUATION!" A distant voice called: "Shut up, old man."

"Anyways. There are... children. Born with your abilites because of the SSA. Anyone with such abilities have worked in the SSA and has taken a special pill made from the crystals. If they are an adult, their child will bear the powers. If it is a child, they will inherit the powers.

"Then there those rare orange kids. Extremely rare, and most unlikely. They are the only kinds of people who are compatible. Inherit the orange, inherit the ultimate power."

Oh God, Cal. So much power for such a small kid.

"Our time is running out. And about your sister, don't worry. We will watch over her. But you cannot contact us after this, and you must know that your sister is--" There was a click. "And I love you, my dear boy. Mrs. Daniels had a surprise for you when you come back home, but I'll have to keep that a secret. Ahaha! Okay. Bye, son."

He faked that last part. And I had to go along with it, even though it pained me: "Bye dad."

I hung up and sunk to the ground. This whole time, they were using me as a weapon. Just for their stupid, godawful, crystals. Well they could rake their crystals and shove it up their-- "Hey."

I looked up to see Momoko in a black hoodie and jeans. I stood up. "What?"

Her eyes practically glew in the dark. She flashed me a small smile.

"Let's make a deal."



"Alright. Let's go over the basics." Rose said. Lilith and Angel were basically her information, and Rose was the one to actually form the plan. It was a long-shot. But it was worth a try.

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