Cal Plays Hooky With Swords

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I blinked. "Wait. My... burns?" Jasper nodded and crouched by me. "Yeah. Can I?" "Are you a qualified doctor?" Jasper laughed. "Dude, I've dealt with serious burns before, can I see it or not?"

"Well they said to take it off once it stopped hurting... so, sure." I started to unwrap the bandages. At first, I thought about the consequences on taking off the bandages too early. Then I thought, Hey, it doesn't hurt anymore anyway!

"Hold on." He stopped me. "You got a third degree burn, today. And you're saying it doesn't hurt. Today." I nodded. "Is that a problem?"

"Let's find out." He replied as I took off the bandages. "No way." We said in unison. The burns were gone. Cleared away from my skin like they were never there. And not only that- my scars and bruises were gone too. "Whatever freaky medicine they used on you worked big time." Jasper stood up quickly.

"They... only used the burn ointments you see in the hospital... and they used a shot that was required for third degree burns." I stammered, rubbing my arm. "This isn't... what in the world?"

Jasper patted dust off his hat and shrugged. "Still, you got hurt. We should help Angel find the culprit, and I think I know who it was."


So the group practically disbanded. Midori and I was walking back to the cabins with Marsha in my arms when suddenly, a wild Jasper and Cal burst out of the cabin. Except Jasper had a different jacket (which I don't understand, it's like a million degrees out here) and Cal with no bandages and no burns. Jasper ran down the stairs, jumping over the last steps and Cal hopped over the porch's railing. They both broke into a run.

Midori and I exchanged glances. "Uh, you saw that too, right?" I nodded. "Yeah." Lilith jogged up behind us. Seriously, what is the deal with the sweaters and jackets and stuff? It's summer. It's hot.

Obviously no one follows that logic anymore. What were we talking about again? Oh, right. Lilith. "Sup." I called. Midori did something smart. She took off the sweater and folded it (what, its like, 80-90 degrees?). "Have you seen Carnelian? I need to speak with him. Now." Alright,  I admit this girl is the scariest person I have ever seen. And I should know, I have three older brothers.

"They just ran off over there." Midori pointed. Lilith nodded. "Want us to help look?" I offered. Honestly, I thought she would say no because it was just a kind gesture.  Honestly, I just wanted a nap or to see if Marsha's newest updates work. But, she just went to the porch and activated sleep mode.

Lilith smiled eerily at us. "Oh, yes. That would be great." Um, has she never smiled for real before? I know a fake smile when I see one. My brother Connor is an actor and he uses that smile at Thanksgiving to pretend he appreciates the family. And he should because he's only alive because an ammo manufacturer and a dress designer mated.

Midori went into the cabin to put the sweater on Cal's bed, then said she'll check the activity gates. I said I can look through the other Sense Cabins, and Lilith can check out the forest. Then we agreed that Lilith and I meet up and check the gym and Midori check the locked gate. I honestly did not like that plan. Mostly because I didn't trust Lilith.

Marazine and Angel were inside, obviously going all detective saying, "Whodunit?". I knew they were talking about the fire, but I couldn't ask. I walked through all of the Senses until my legs felt like noodles. The cabins seemed to keep going on and on and on. It felt like forever until I saw the most gorgeous piece of machinery I have ever laid my eyes on.

Well, I didnt exactly see it. But man, oh man. I can feel the gears turning in the ground beneath my feet. My body started to move, and before I knew it, I was on my knees. My ear was pressed against the grass, which felt really weird by the way. I can hear the gears creaking, and ticking. It was turning in sync with my heartbeat. How did I know? Because my heart was hammering in my ribcage.

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