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We've been practicing with the wolves for the past two days. That night Carlisle asked for an emergency meeting. But today was Wednesday. A day of piece. A day of joy and of celebration. Graduation day.

Teddy and I were invited to the ceremony. It was to take place on the school grounds in the courtyard. We sat in a metal chair next to Esme. Teddy sat on my lap. Next to me was someone I'd been dying to meet.


Bella had his hair and eyes. He was the chief of police in Forks. A kind man. A carried a deep draw. When saw me next to Cullen's he seemed confused almost.

"Hi.. Charlie Swan."

"Charlie? You're Bella's father! It's great to meet you. I'm Harry. Harry Potter."

His eyes widened.

"Oh! Yeah, Bella told me about you. Family friend from the UK."

"Yes, Sir."

"And that's you're God-son right?"

"Hello! I'm Teddy Lupin!"

He stuck his small hand out to shake Charlie's. I smiled and laughed.

"If you don't mind me asking what happened to his parents?"

I looked away for a moment, licking my lips.

"They were... Ah...killed."

"I'm sorry."

"It's fine."

An awkward silence fell between us. We were quiet and listening to the voices of the graduating students. When the Cullen's started to appear, Charlie took out a camera.

"Thought I'd film them and Bella for her mother. She wanted to fly down but had no time."

"That's nice of you. You really have great girl."

He smiled.

"I try."

It was a good time. The clapping and whistling was energetic. We found and joined the vampires and Bella as the now graduated people talked amongst each other in glee. Laughing and hugging and kissing and crying was all around me. Truthfully it was liberating.

"Get over here, Bells!"

Bella ran to her father and they hugged tightly.

"Hey!" She called to me.

She threw her arms around me, taking me by surprise.

"Congratulations, Bella!" Teddy yelled.

She laughed.

"You've done well, sweetheart." I say.


The Cullen's hugged the Cullen's and Charlie got a hug from Alice and Emmett. Which was quite funny. He did congratulate all of them though. I went over and got a hug from Alice. From Rosalie I took her hand and kissed her cheek.

"Don't go flirting with my bitch!" Emmett yelled jokingly.

He picked me up over his shoulder and spun me around. I laughed as he set me down. Jasper and I man hugged. I even gave Edward a hug. His hug was tight and accepting. I then patted his shoulder. I saw Bella watching with a large smile. Charlie watched with a raised eyebrow. Bella tripped over to us and put her arms around our shoulders.

"I'm so glad you two are friends again."


A party. A large party. Every student in the school. I saw Bella talking with her human friends. By her side was Edward. I watched them fondly. I'm glad things worked out, I thought. He heard it and looked my way. He smirked and winked at me. Nearly laughing I winked back. In the living I was in hysterical laughter as I watched the students laugh and cheer as Teddy danced in the center of all the mess. To think a shapeshifting five year old would be the life of the party. I saw Alice came down the stairs frustrated. She called Edward and Bella over as well as myself.

"We've got another problem... The Volturi found out about the army and they are going to come and evaluate the situation."

"What." Edward sighs.

"I told Carlisle. He's writing to Aro now to see if he can wait. I doubt he will. Lets just hope they come after the fight."

She walked away from us. We all sighed and looked at the other. This is bad. Very.. Bad.

Just then we all saw Jacob, Seth, and two other men I didn't know. All wore a black t-shirt and beige pants.

"Nice party!" Seth calls.

"Thank you Seth but there is another problem."

"What now?" Asks Jacob annoyed at the sound of Edward's voice.

"Alice had a vision..." Bella started.

"The Volturi will come to inspect the fight..." I finish.

The two men in the back look at each other. Then at Jacob.


"We don't know." Edward answers.

Jacob curses under his breath and Seth looks at me.

"What do we do?"

"There's nothing we can do." I tell him.

"Embry. Jared. Go back and tell Sam."

The two men nod to Jacob and walk away.

"I guess I better leave now.. I might be needed." Says Jacob a few minutes after silence between the four of us.

"Bye Jake. I'll see you soon, k?"

Jacob smiles at Bella and yet again I feel that pang of sadness. He turns his smile into a glare at Edward. I look between them. He glares back. I look at Bella and she winces as Edward's grip gets tighter. Suddenly something grabs my shoulder. It's Edward. His grip is tight like it is on Bella's.

"Am I right?" Jacob asked viciously.

Edward's eyes brighten with malicious intentions towards the wolf. His grip tightens even more on Bella and I fear for her. He actually pulls me toward him. His hand now griping the shoulder father from him. It hurts. I look at him and I don't see the bright curiosity that Bella loves about him. That made me weak. Powerless for his own doing. This was different. It was like he thought Jacob was going to harm her. But why he held me I'm not sure.

"Like I said before Jacob. My life doesn't concern you. Or anyone else but the people I hold close to my heart."

That words have changed. At first it was or anyone else. Now it's anyone else but the people I hold close to my heart. Of course this means Bella. Of course this means the Cullen's. But what am I? I am nothing to him. To anyone here but a helper. Right?

"You don't have a heart."

I look at Bella. She looks at me fearfully. She doesn't want Jacob hurt. She doesn't like what he said. But she can't do a thing. She wants me to say something.

"That isn't true." Both of the males heads turn to me.

"Don't ge-"

"No." I said breaking though the hold. "I'm not just going to sit here and let him make nasty remarks behind our backs!"

"It's not my fault he's heartless. The heart he had crumpled into ashes and those ashes went to hell."

"If I were to do a dissection I could PROVE to you that his heart still lives. All of theirs does! So what if it's stopped beating. It can still break, it can be glued back together, and it carries the love and feelings they had as humans. Feelings that still reside in them. Tell me do you care to argue further?"

Jacob looked at me aghast. He wanted to say something. But the words were useless.

"What is this shit?" Jacob finally mumbled. "Why do you support them? They could kill you. They could kill Bella."

"That's where you are wrong. I know they'd never hurt her. They trust me enough to know that hurting me would be useless."

"I'm telling you the truth."

"Truth? Their is no truth. Only lies and FEARS."

Jacob now angry wanted to prove himself to me that he wasn't afraid of me or the vampires around us. He grabbed my by my shirt and lifted me off the ground.

"Listen you little shi-"

"Put him down. Now. Or I will not hesitate to kill you."

Jacob smirked at Edward, who was holding Jacob's wrist. He let go of me and smirked even wider. I turned to Bella who walked over to my other side and briefly hugged me. I watched Edward's eyes tense for a moment.

"And if I do?" Edward asked to a thought from Jacob we couldn't hear.

"I just can't wait to see you crumble when you're rejected and then lonely."

"I want you to never touch a member of my family again."

"Bella isn't a bloodsucker so I can. As for him? He isn't family to anyone."

"He will be soon."

Jacob's face fell for a moment.

"But that can't happen. It's against the treaty."

"Unless under emergencies such as the death of a loved one. Remember, Black that I was there when it was written."

Jacob sighed. So do I but with relief. Bella wasn't as fidgety and Edward's muscles relaxed. Jacob was still tense.

"I think it's time you leave Jake." Bella stated.

I was shocked. I knew he'd listen to her. He loved her and was jealous. Why he was picking a bone with me? I wasn't sure.

Jacob hugged as he walked away. We heard a giggling behind us. Teddy.

"Harry! I danced!"

"I know I saw you." I said while scooping him up.

"Bella! Bella Bella! I love Bella!!" He yelled happily at the sight of her.

"Oh God one more man he have to worry about stealing her."

Edward chuckled.

"You can have her tonight."


Bella was laughing the whole time. I gave him to her and she took him over to her human friends and they all played and laughed with him in the distance.

"Thank you. For defending my family."

I turned to him.

"Our family, remember? It's what family is for right. We protect each other."

"This comes from someone who didn't really have one?"

"I may not have had one but I've seen quite a few. I get the gist of it."

I smiled.

He smiled that crooked left smile. The one Bella told me he wore when he was pleased or happy. Of just plain flirty. I liked that smile too. He threw his arm around me and we walked around the house in silence. As the people left and he took Bella home, I pulled out my wand in front of the Cullen family.

"Reparo!" I yelled.

To their astonishment everything around us began fixing and cleaning itself. Emmett whistled and Esme clapped her hands in glee. Alice was giggling. Carlisle, Jasper, and Rosalie were surprised.

"There... Done!"

I walked away.


"So what did Jacob ask you that got so wound up?"

"He asked me if I loved you."

"And you said,'and if I did' right?"

He nodded.

"...'Crumble when you're rejected and then lonely'..." I quoted. "How rude!"

He nodded.

"So in his hopes, I'll hate you for liking me and Bella will leave you and go to him?"


I sighed and stood. I was tired.



"Goodnight then."

"Goodnight." I said yawning.

He hugged me then and it stunned me for a second. Then I hugged back.

I opened my door and walked inside. Teddy was sleeping in the living room with Esme and Rosalie at his side. I needed a night to myself they said. Before closing it..



"I don't what he's talking about... I haven't rejected you. And to be honest... I won't."

With that I shut the door, not waiting for his answer.

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