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The Republic won the war. Uniting the galaxy, ushering in new age of peace and prosperity. But the Republic would now face even greater challenges.
Now that planetary boarders were open for trade and immigration.
The Republic need a way to mitigate between privet entitys and world leaders.
There was fear in the senate that with so many planets, each with their own differing social and political constructs.
Would create apprehension among business's. Since the Senate held no true authority over planet states.
There was no current way to regulate interplanetary trade.
Plus their were complaints that currency exchange could damage internal economy's.
Galactic enforcement was also needed. If to separate states existed in the same solar system who held the mineral rights to local uninhabited planets.
And what should happen if a state levied to high a tax on foreign business or cease imported goods once with in state territory.
The republic would need to solve these issues if they wanted to maintain this hard fought fragile kept peace.
The instituted a Galactic Republic citizenship I.D.
Granting every one personal rights, protection, exemptions.
Then errected a law prohibiting travel in Republic space to any one with out citizenship.
The Senate along with the Galaxy's wealthiest created the first galactic bank.
Providing the Galaxy with credits stabilizing an interplanetary economy.
This allowed traders and planets to buy credits instead of exchanging currency's.
Leveling the playing field and providing security.
With the most egare of business's buying all the credits they could get and venturing out into space.
Many planet leaders who had voted against the senates interestes were completely ignored.
Such as state tax. The reposesing of privet and planetary resources and assets.
For the much protested Galactic Welfare Initiative.
Over time the states become more reliant on the republic.
Then the republic
Sent their own representatives to ever planet state.
That ruled Republic owned lands.
The sovereignty of the states began to decline. With many world leaders losing power completely becoming nothing more then a public figure.
Many war torn planets were placed under Republic rule to aid it's recovery. even were either bought by the Republic or were repossessed.
With the power of the Republic rising and that if the States declining.
Many planetary leaders began to fear Republic. State leaders became increasingly distrusting of their senate representatives.

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