First Master

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To be Jedi is a way of thinking. Before it is a way of being.
When one has mastered ones self they are being Jedi.
When they are no longer ruled by the KoKi they are Jedi.
When they are no longer restricting themselves with KoKi they are being jedi.
To be jedi is no easy task but when it is easy that is jedi.
What exists is Ko and what does not is Ki.
All that is is then koki.
The reality is shaped by the koki the koki shapes the reality.
Life is Ko Death is Ki.
But neither of these are KoKi.
To be Jedi is to be Ko and to Make others be Ki.
The way of Ko is the way of peace.
When one is Ko only they can never be Ki.
When one is Ki they can never be Ko.
But when one is KoKi the must seek balance in all things.
However to kill is not Ki when one understands this They have Jedi.
Those who are padi can use the ko and ki to change koki.
But it is the KoKi that is changing both Ko and Ki.
To be padi is to be with out self control. To be with out self control is to be ones own master.
When you are padi you with koki. When you are Koki you have jedi with you.
Since life is ko then must cleanse the inner ki.
When their is no ki then one become Jedi.
The Ko for Jedi is not like Ko for any other.
Jedi have Ko their Ko changes when it has Jedi.
Nagi is to put away ones Ki.
Kagi is to keep ones Ko.
Jedi keeps its Ko from becoming Ki.
To be Yoki is to take another's Ko.
Sith is to turn another's Ko into Ki.
Yoki is uses Ki to steel Ko.
Sith is to turn ones ko into ki.
To be sith is to kill with Ki.
To be Jedi is to kill with Ko.
Yoki is to be KoKi.
To have Sith is to live with Ki.
To be Jedi is to live with Ko.
To be Yoki is to be strange That is why it is KoKi.
Yoki is ka to make ka you must bring ko and ki together.
Zeti is with out ko ki and has ka.
When one is Zeti they have what is before KoKi and what is ke.
Ko is like the light of a star.
Ki is like the darkness of space.
Yoki is like a twinkling of a light. It is dark and light.
Zeti is clear.
When one is Jedi they are Justice.
When one is Sith they are Vengeance.
When one is Yoki they are Deviant.
When one is Zeti they are unknown.
There are those that become one with KoKi.
When one gives up themselves to the koKi they are no longer themselves.
They are some that make all koki in them replace the koki outside of them.
They create their own koki and disturb what is real for what they will.
One should never be one of these but should maintain balance between them.
All that is koki are in different forms.
So one must first explore its self.
mind is the easiest but it the most illusive.
Body is most difficult but is the simplest.
To move air requires a flexible mind.
Air can only be moved when one can feel the air around it when their is no wind to move it.
To move stone requires an unbending will. To break stone requires a gentle hand.
To move water takes a passive and patient mind.

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