Rags To Riches

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"Zat!!!" -Ren&Zen.
He sits with his back against the lime green wall, with a large orange sewer pipe just above.
The sound of hot waste flowing threw it echos threw the underway. Accompanied by the small squawking of twin Kimiki girls, sitting at his side.
Ren- "moho!"
ZenRen- "wofa!"
He holds up his Blaster, then reaches in a picket. Pulls out two darpus bug berries. And holds them out for the two.
They each give a sneer of repulse at the offering.
Z&R-"mo noda!!!"
Zen "da gasha!"
Ren "da cacha!"
His hand closes and his lips pull a slim left smirk.
Zat "no? Mofa alda?"
Z&R-"grrr...oka! wafa gesa gesa!"
Zat-"hmmm? Noyo gesa mogesa alda fa. Hehehe.
At this the two begin to tug at his sleeves with earnest.
Z&R -"pova gesa, pova, pova!"
Zat.-"bo, boo, boyo!"
Z&R.-"noyo! pova, pova!"
They cry louder, even more desperate then before.
But they needed to be taught a lesson. He popped is hand open and threw the little eggs up into the air to eat them.
But two quickly used their ko to snatch them from his teeth.
Z&R.-"Gesa wo, gesa wo!!! Hahaha.
The sewer workers were just about done and were gathering their equipment.
One side."Dont take our kindness so lightly."
Another added.-" Thats right! Your blaster might be enough to stop us, but it wont stop the hutta's patrollers.
Tne first continued. -" besides, its those two little ones you should thank. Poor things, we'd run you out were it not for them!"
Zat.-" Thank you deeply for your kindness."
Z&R."yoyo Jika!"
Workers.-"yoyo gika"
As they left the lights of the underway went dim to dark.
Zat and the two waited for a time then when they were sure the workers were long away. They gathered themselves and left the underway.

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