[2] Alana: Jim's Dead- I Didn't Mean It That Way!

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When Jim Kirk disappears without a note, there's either trouble or he's in trouble. Most likely he's in trouble- I wonder what he did this time?

After checking the guest room (which is empty), I roll my eyes and brush out my hair, looking at the clock: 1 PM. Wow, I sleep a lot. What even happened last night? Why was Jim Kirk even over at me and Dad's apartment? Then I remember:

Dad's dead.

Dropping the brush, I quickly change into a gold Starfleet dress uniform that Dad got me for my birthday. Dad... not now. Gotta find Kirk. I make sure to have the black shirt underneath and grab my black boots. There. I look close enough to a Starfleet officer... right? Yeah. Official uniform. Black boots. Black undershirt.

You can call me... Captain Alana Pike.

I run all the way to Starfleet headquarters, only a half mile away. I'm not even out of breath. According to Dad, all Starfleet officers had to be in pretty good shape, so he made me go running. I never appreciated it until now.

Dad... I miss him. Stopping, I blink away a few tears. Like Jim said, sometimes you've just got to keep it to yourself.

"Is that Emily Pike?" a voice asks.

Agh, my real name. Alana Pike sounds much better. I keep walking confidently, then into the headquarters, and towards Admiral Marcus' office. And of course he's not in his office today. Hmm... Maybe the computer knows? Or I can check from my dad's office. Admirals know where everyone is. Dad is an admiral.

Was. I sigh. I really miss him and peering in on Starfleet captain-ing classes.

I walk to his office, and the door unlocks with voice and face recognition. I step in, door closing behind me, looking around. There's a picture of me on his desk, which I pick up. I love that picture. It's me in the Enterprise captain's chair. It was my birthday, and Dad had let me be captain of the Enterprise for a day. I was in a gold shirt, smiling. A tear rolls down my cheek. I really miss Dad. Where's Jim when you need him?

There's also a small model of the Enterprise sitting beside it. It's really detailed, too- I can see its identification number, NCC-1701, on the hull and the different colors. It's almost as beautiful as the real Enterprise, only it's missing something. I just can't tell what.

"I wonder where you are now," I say, 'flying' the Enterprise model around. "Is Jim with you? Oh, right, that's why I'm here."

I turn on the computer. "Computer, please locate James T. Kirk."

"James T. Kirk," the computer repeated. "Currently captain of the USS Enterprise. On mission for Admiral Marcus."

Hmm. "Please locate Admiral Marcus."

"Classified," the computer replied.

That's weird. I turn off the computer and look at the photo and model again, then notice one behind it: me, Jim and Dad on the bridge, in front of the turbolift. It's also from my birthday- I'm in the middle, Jim on the right and Dad on the left. Two men, both captains of the Enterprise, past and present, hopefully three- me. I want to captain the Enterprise one day.

Then there is another picture. It's Mom and me at some important party. Mom died in an engineering accident when I was 7... she was an engineer. Something in engineering malfunctioned, or blew up, and a bunch of people died. She just had to be one of them. The picture is of all three of us at Starfleet. Mom still has her light brown hair and hazel eyes. Under the picture, it reads Ianthe and Alana, 2253. I really miss her. And Dad. I miss both of them. Why does everything bad happen to me?

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