[17] BONUS CHAPTER! The Original Alana's Enterprise

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This chapter contains the original Alana's Enterprise I wrote in fifth grade. The plot is the same, however, grammar/spelling errors have been edited. This version of Alana was super overpowered and the daughter of Kirk. SUPER CRINGE-WORTHY. Blame fifth grade me. Also the new cover (and hopefully final) is up.

Also, the sequel to AE: First Command is up! It's called AE: Darkness Rising. :3


"Miss Alana Kirk, you are the youngest person ever to pass the Kobayashi Maru!" Captain Kirk exclaimed.

"Yes! Dad, I get to go to normal school! I mean, I love Starfleet Academy, but hey, I'm 11!" Alana Kirk, the girl who had passed, smiled. "Just in time too, the first day is tomorrow. I'm already ready!"

That night, Alana dreamed of her new school. She hoped she would make new friends. When she arrived at school, a teacher showed her the way to the gym.

"Are you, like, new?" asked a girl. "I want to be friends with the Starfleet graduate! My popularity, will, like, skyrocket!"

"Yes! My name is Lyra Allan." Alana lied.

"Crap it. I'm looking for an Alana Kirk." The girl got up, flipped her hair and moved away.

Alana sat alone until a pretty blonde asked, "Hey, can I sit here?"

"Sure." Grabbing her backpack, Alana moved over to the side.

"I'm Ashley Sulu. My dad told me to meet the Starfleet girl. That won't happen." The girl snorted.

"Hm. Why?"

"Desmia's going to beat me to it." Ashley pointed at the mean girl. "Plus, she's the most popular."

"I'm new here. Who's your homeroom? I've got Mrs. Rosetta."



"I wish I could meet the Starfleet girl. I saw her on the cover of a magazine."

For a second, Alana liked this girl.

"What's your name? I forgot to ask." Ashley asked.

"Uh... I'm Alana."

"Wait, you're kidding right?" Ashley asked.

"No!" Alana exclaimed. "My name's Alana Kirk."

"That's awesome!" Ashley exclaimed.

Just then the bell rang.

"Aw, well, time to go to class. See you later!"

The story ends there... I never finished it, haha. Whoops.

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