The Night I Thought I Found Love.

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  • Dedicated to Nicole and Medo

Ok, lets start of this way. Im a firl, a girl who has dreams and wishes. I also wish on the stars in the sky, or when the clock strikes 11:11. I pray to god, that my wish about him will one day come true. And when that day comes, my life will be completly perfect.

Tonight, September 28, 2013 a saturday. My 1st ever homecoming. Tonight is going to be perfect! Atleast i hopped it would be. 4:00pm, i get off my computer games, and put on some music, i jam out, like any other girl would. Today, is the night my dream will come true! I put on my makeup, first, cover up, and brown eyeshadow. Eyeliner, and mascara. 30 minutes for one eye, damn! Got my curling iron out, and waited it to heat up, curled my hair. I kinda burned my cheak while curling my hair...... oops...and I put on my dress.

My dress, Just plaine white, it was high, low, and i loved it. It had a gold sparkly belt added, and my beautiful 6 inch heels. Gold and sparkly heels to finish off the outfit. Theme of the dance: A night on the reed carpet. I couldnt wait.

I walked through the door of my house, listening to the clickedy clack of my shoes, with a smile on my face, i got into my dads car, and he drove me, to 1470 Greenview Ave. My friend stephanies house. Kathy was already there, but i was the second one there, until everyone else came, 20 other friends came, and it was time to take those 1st homecoming pictures. Everyone was excited, and happy. We took pictures until 7:00 pm, and finally! Finally it was time to go, and have out 1st magical night. One that would be unforgetable. We got at our school, 7:15, the line, oh my gosh! The line was as long as the Six Flags line! Can you imagine that? You think im going to wait in a line that long, umm.. no. So, instead of waiting, being myself, i cut all the sophmores, and juniors, and seniors, all the way to the front. Got inside ina jiffy. now, finaly i could begin my night. I took my heels off, and boy did if feel good! I ligit couldnt feel my toes. It was horrible. I put everything away, and went to the dance floor, and i found my best friend, Nicole.We just met the first day of school, but we act like we've known eachother for years! The schools homecoming suprise for the students this year, they had the best DJs. They hired B96 for the night, to play at our school! How amazing is that? The music was blasting, and couples making out, and grinding.. and me, Nicole, and a group of people, just enjoying ourselves, making this night memorable.

During the dance, i saw the hottest Sophmore in the school, thats atleast what every single freshman girl thought, and of course i thought that too. It was Medo! But one thing, he came with a girl.. his "date", Donnie... ugh, i thought that ruined my night, until.. Donnie left him.. and evrywere i went he followed, a little creepy, yeah i know, but he kept on "accidentaly" bumping into me. Is that a good thing? I honestly didnt know, but i took it as a yes. Everytime he pasted by me, he would look at me, and smile, and walk away. Until....

Me and nicole were talking, and then Medo walked up to us, and started talking to Nicole. about a year ago, Nicole and Medo, had a thing, but something went wrong, and everything changed, but Nicole never stopped liking him. Which was the problem, because i also like him. He talked to nicole, and i started dancing with the girl that was with us. I wasnt sure who she was, cuhz we were just having fun, who cares? Hahaa. Then Medo tapped me on the sholder, and asked if i wanted to dance. Ignoring the fact that he came with a date, I told him id love to. We got onto the dance floor, and i looked at nicole, and i looked at Medo, he looked me straight in the eyes, and he started saying something, but i cut him off. I thought this was ment to be, me and him.. My dreams came true, when i saw him, all i wanted was one, just ONE dance with him, and here i am, almost holding his hand, and he reached for my waist, and, that was when i realized something. Yes, I love him. I do. But i told him i couldnt do it.. Even though he was my prince in shinning armor, the guy that would make me feel better, the guy that would do anything for me, i couldnt. I looked at him, told him id talk to him later, and i ran to Nicole.

She looked up at me, eyes full of tears. I hugged her, and told her what happened. I realized that my friendship with her was better that whatever me and Medo had. Me and Nicole, we are sisters, and nothing will change that, not even a stupid guy... Even if he is the right one. One day, Me and Medo might live happily ever after, but for now.. im still a 14 year old kid, and all i need, Is my best friend..



Hey guys, i hopped you liked my story, and yes, this happened to me.. last night to be exact, it taught me something special, and i hope all you girls out there that read this, wont loose their best friend, because of some silly guy. trust me, its not worth it.

I Love You Nicole, you mean the world to me<33(=

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