Chapter 1

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(Annie Hathaway as Lia Summers)

Ester's POV

I yawned as I sat up on my sorry excuse of a bed. I felt really bad just thinking about the day before and all the other days before that, that I didn't get a job. I was badly in need of a job because I had a mother and brother to support. I sighed and held my head in my hands not knowing what else to do, it was times like that, that I felt like I should have given up. I gave myself a mental pep talk then turned to look on my alarm clock that had a close resemblance of something or someone that went through World Wars 1&2 and was barely hanging on to life by a very thin piece of thread. When I saw that it was 6:43 I quickly dragged myself out of bed, picked out a blue T-shirt and a blue jeans pants and headed to the only bathroom in the house. Because their was one shower we scheduled our bathing time: mom was from 5 to 5:59 , I was from 6 to 6:59 and Derio, my nine year old brother was from 7 to 7:59 but of course sometimes he took some extra time because he was last and in the evening Derio was from 6 to 6:59, I was from 7 to 7:59 and mom was anytime after that. I had to take a very quick shower because Derio wasn't a morning person and would get extra cranky if he had to wait for longer than he was supposed to and plus he had school. After taking my shower I went to the dining room and saw that mom had already finished breakfast.

"Morning mom."

"Morning dear, Lia called and told me to tell you to meet her at the usual place at around 9:30," mom informed me. I only nodded then quickly devoured my breakfast.

"Any luck in getting a job yet hon?" mom questioned.

"No," I replied sadly with a frown on my face.

"It's OK hon, don't worry you'll get a job soon I know it," she comforted me even though she was also disappointed, which I knew by the look her eyes held. That was one of the things I loved about mom she didn't want people to worry too much about anything she preferred to be the one worrying. Soon after Derio came down ate his breakfast and I walked him to school by time I got back it was near 9 so I just left again but this time to meet Lia. I walked for sometime until the sight of a familiar coffee shop greeted my eyes. I didn't understand how this became our meeting spot since I didn't drink coffee. Maybe it's because Lia loves it and I love her. I opened the door and immediately the strong and familiar aroma of coffee hit my nostrils. I saw Lia from the corner of my eye waving me over. She was dressed in a black short sleeve blouse a short shorts and an expensive sneakers (she preferred them over slippers) along with a neckless that was given to her by her grandmother right before she died which she never took off. I had a necklace that was given to me under similar circumstances by my father and I too never took it off as well. She looked amazingly beautiful as always. I joined her and for some unknown reason she looked excited, too excited; She was grinning from ear to ear. This can't be good, the only time she did this was when she had some sort of good news. This would have been fine with me but her good news would always involve me and I wouldn't find it as good as her in fact I would find it a total nightmare.

"What's up with you?" I inquired.

"Oh nothing," she grinned wider. That was the next problem she always hid it from me until the last minute when I couldn't say no, but this was going to change this time. I was going to uncover my next nightmare.

"OK. Since you are clearly lying to me and we promised to tell each other the truths at all times I don't see what I'm doing here," I stated getting out of my seat and started to walk away but not before adding, "And I can't believe I thought you cared."

"Wait stop, I'll tell you E," she mumbled. I smirked to myself then turned back around and took back my seat.

"So as you know Micah Evans has decided to take a break from his modeling, singing and dancing careers so he can focus intently on his company and so he has decided to return-"

" As a matter-of-fact no I didn't know and what does Micah Evans have to do with our conversation?" I cut her off confusion clear in my voice and on my face.

"Well everything, his parents are putting on a mask ball for him, as a welcome home present and my parents and I were invited and I should bring a date
with me," she blabbered excitedly; she was a big fan of his. Her family was wealthy so it wasn't a surprise to me that they got invited to such an event. But why didn't she want to tell me it was not like I had to go right; that would be a different story. I dismissed the thought and smiled at her I was excited for her she was one of if not his biggest fan.

"Good Luck you and which ever guy lucky enough to get to be your date," I smiled broader. She started to play with her fingers and I noticed she was no longer looking at me but at the table.

"Weeeell," she drew out, "I want you to come with me," she stated and then finally looking up at me for my reaction I guessed. I laughed, "You've got to be kidding me."

"No I'm not please E."

"You know I hate those functions."

"Yeah but I thought you'd make an exception for your best friend but I was obviously wrong," she stated her voice melancholy. I knew she was playing me but I couldn't help it.

"OK. I suppose I could make an exception for you."

"Really!" she squealed excitedly.

"Yeah," I answered flatly,"by the way when is this event?" I asked.

"It's on Sunday."

"Sunday like day after tomorrow?" I asked, stunned that she chose to tell me so lately although I didn't see why I was because she always did this.


"But how will I get everything together by that time?"

"Don't worry I have everything under control just come over my house for a sleep over tomorrow." I nodded. She decided to change the topic.

"How's the job hunt?"

"Don't even ask," I murmured remembering all the places I'd gone and didn't get not a single job, not even to clean the floors or bathroom. We left the coffee shop and walked to the park, we found a bench and sat. After a few minutes of peace and quiet she spoke, "you know I can help you with the money until you find a job," she stated and I saw how deep she cared by just looking in her eyes.

"I know," I whispered. She looked at me expectantly, obviously wanting me to say more but she knew better. When she realized that I wasn't going to say anything more she dropped it. I knew I could count on her but I didn't wanted to be a burden. The last time I refused she gave my mother instead and told her it was a gift from her parents to me for doing an errand; it was a lot of money. I was angry at her and made her promise to never do it again but deep down I was really thankful to her because that was the money we were now living off of. But I was worried because it will be finished soon and then we won't have anything if I didn't get a job soon. I sighed inwardly before I felt something on my shoulder; I turned to see Lia with one of her hands on my shoulder and her face held a reassuring expression.

"Thank you," I replied, she knew I didn't necessarily need words to feel reassured just a friend and a shoulder to lean on.

"You're welcome," she replied with a small smile. After that we sat in silence, a quiet and peaceful silence with my head on her shoulder.

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