Chapter 7

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Easter's POV

As soon as the car pulled up at the front door Lia practically dragged me out of it and inside. Once we were inside the first person we saw was Maria, Lia started to drag both of us to her room and closed the door behind us.

“Will you mind telling me why you are woman handling me?” I asked while rolling me eyes and straightening the dress.

“Both of you have a seat.”

“What is this about?” I inquired, but sat nonetheless while Maria say beside me. Lia looked like she was about to burst or explode from bottled up excitement. “What is she up to?” I wondered mentally.

“I know you might be wondering why the hell I dragged you up here–forget that, I know you are wondering why the hell I dragged you up here and to answer your unasked question and free your minds the reason behind this is that our dear Easter might have caught the eyes of the sexy, the talented and every girl dream Micah Evans,” she squealed.

“Um you lost me. What are you going on about?” I asked.

She rolled her eyes “The guy you danced with at the ball was Micah Evans.”

“She danced with Micah Evans,” Maria spoke for the first time since she was dragged to the room.

“Yeah and she also sang with him,” Lia squealed.

“I didn't sing with him I sang against him,” I corrected.

“Whatever with, against, same difference.” She turned back to Maria “Anyways as I was saying he is totally into her.”

“Wait, if the guy that danced with me was Micah who was the other guy that danced with you?” She seemed to think for a moment then squealed.

“It would have to Jessie they never leave each other's side at a ball. OMG I danced with Jessie Morgan,” she squealed some more.

“Man, You're going to give me an headache,” I used my hands to cover my ear.

“You two tomorrow we're going to celebrate.”

“Lia remember I'm going home tomorrow and what is there to celebrate?”

“We danced with famous celebrities who some people can only dream to meet I consider that a very good reason to celebrate and don't worry we won't be long I'll have you home tomorrow safe and sound. Please,” she bat her lashes and pouted. She knew that face wouldn't work for me, but-

“OK I'm in,” Maria gave in.

“I can't leave Maria alone to endure your craziness, can I?”

“No, you can't. It's settled we're going out tomorrow, be ready by 7 in the morning.”

Maria left soon after leaving Lia and I alone. The time on the clock read 3:05am, time really flew fast. I couldn't believe we stayed that long. Lia headed next door to shower while I took her bathroom. After showering and dressing we decided that we weren't quite ready to sleep so we watched a few scary movies. The entire time Lia screamed, hid her face, shouted at the television as if the actors could hear and occasionally cried. Thank God the room was sound proof or else everyone in the entire mansion would have woken up. We didn't get any sleep because by the time we checked it was already 6 and we had to be ready by seven. Lia took a black skinny jeans and a black top from her closet and went to the bathroom next door while I took out a blue ripped jeans and a blue shirt and went to hers after we showered and got dressed we went downstairs to find Maria already dressed and waiting for us.

“Let's go.”

We went outside and saw Carl waiting for us. “Sup Carl?”

“Ms. Summers dragging you to the mall again?”

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