Chapter 9

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Ester's POV

I woke up in a good mood for the first time in forever, we took our shower routine and got dressed. I put on a simple black shirt and a black jeans and headed to the dining room. Mom and Derio were already in there waiting on me. I greeted them and they answered back accordingly. Derio and I ate our breakfast quickly and I walked him to school. It was a fun walk and we talked about how well he was doing in school, by the sound of things he was doing more than pretty well, he was doing great. I kissed him on both of his cheeks, told him I loved him which he answered back with a ‘I love you’ of his own and then sent him off to school. I had nothing much planned for the day except the moving out thing. I went home and packed Derio's things while mom packed hers and then I packed mine. Even though we didn't have much things it took mom and I three hours to pack up Derio's and our stuffs. I packed mine separately from theirs because I was going somewhere different from them.

Time flew by fast and before I knew it we were outside with our things standing beside two black vehicles. I had lived with mom and Derio all my life so it was hard for me to be without them or to even think to be without them for a day, but this was an opportunity of a lifetime and I couldn't afford to miss it. Who knows when or if something like this would ever pop up again.

Micah appeared from the one at the back in a gray and blue suit that looked more expensive than our house ... well our soon to be old house. He introduced himself like a gentleman even though I was pretty sure my mom and brother recognized him the moment he excited the car. My mom politely accepted his handshake and introduced herself also. Derio trying to be the man of the family took Micah's hand in what he thought to be a firm handshake wearing a grim expression on his face then spoke “Nice to meet you and thank you for your generous offer. I'm leaving my sister in your care treat her right and if something bad happens to her you will be responsible and will face the necessary consequences.”

Micah looked at him with adoration and nodded sharply. “I promise to keep your sister safe young man.”

“I don't mean to be rude but I really have something to take care of, would it be a problem to leave now?” he asked glancing at his over expensive watch.

“No.Not at all,”my mom responded.

“OK, the front vehicle will be dropping off your mom and brother and the other one will be dropping us off,”he explained to me.

Our things were loaded in the  respective cars, then we entered and they drove off. All through the ride even though I was looking through the window my mind was trying to find out ways and methods of coping without my prides and joys; my mom and brother. I didn't even realize when we arrived and Micah had to gently shake me shoulder to get my attention. I jumped out of Wonderland and back to reality. I mumbled a quiet sorry before exiting the car. The car was right in front of his gate. Micah stuck his head outside the car and the gate immediately open. Wow. I was shocked when I saw the house and I don't know why, he was a superstar of course so his house was expected to be this extravagant, but it still shocked me. It was beyond lovely, not even in my dream or imagination did I think a house could look this breathless. Lia's house was pretty huge too but nothing compared to Micah's. The gate re-closed itself after the car passed through, and we headed to the garage where another code was needed. He must have really loved the place to want to keep it so safe and secured. We exited the car, he took out most of my stuff which he manage to carry in one hand and I took out the remainder and then I followed him to the front door.

“Who drove my family?” I asked worriedly wanting to make sure they would be safe.

“Don't worry my personal driver, James drove them, they'll be alright.”

I exhaled a breath that I didn't even know I was holding and tried to calm my heartbeat and my worry level.

He placed his hand over the door and it automatically opened. “I'll program the system to open the gate and the front door for you and I'll also give you the codes for the garage and the other important rooms.” I nodded.

I followed Micah's lead into the house and saw a beautiful middle aged woman. She greeted Micah who acknowledged her greeting with a nod.

“Ester this is Dorothy my housekeeper and Dorothy this is Ester she will be living here so I expect you to assist her with the things she is not aware of,”Micah introduced us as we shook hands. I wondered why he didn't introduce me as his PA, but I didn't ponder on it too long.

Dorothy nodded with a charming smile displayed on her lips. Micah took her smile as enough convincement and began trailing up one of the staircases with my wrist in his arm. I kept admiring the house while he pulled me to God knows where. Throughout my entire admiration session the  thought that stood out among the others was ‘I was bound to get lost probably even more than a hundred times in a day before I got used to this house.’ He finally
came to a stop outside a door. He used his hand to open it and I gazed at the room in awe. It was beyond lovely and looked to be twice the size of my old home. It was decorated in mostly red, my favorite color and a few things were in black/&white.

“This will be your room, your finger print will be programmed in, you have your own bathroom, walk-in closet, mini fridge, flat screen TV among other things.”

I nodded not trusting my voice.

“I'll leave you to get use to it,”he said before leaving.

I guess this is my home now, better get used to it.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 13, 2017 ⏰

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