Chapter 36- Fans and Sleep Deprivation

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A/N- Hey guys.  Here's an update! Woo!  I just wanted to say that I think this book might be coming to an end.  There may be 2-4 more chapters, but I don't think there'll be more than that.  It's getting hard to keep it going, though I do have an idea for a sequel, and I still plan on doing one.  Anyway, please VOTE.  You guys are awesome!


We got to the town Scotty was going to perform in at 12:30.  When we got to the amphitheater, Mike checked in while the rest of us found the lot before dispersing for lunch.  Scotty, Judy, and I, along with Harper, walked down the street to a McDonald’s.

We ordered without a problem and soon got our food.  About half way through our lunch, a huge group of girls came in.  They seemed oblivious to the fact that Scotty was there, which I was thankful for.  No one has publicly seen him with the baby and me.

Just as Judy was throwing our trash away, a girl from the group walked up to her and told her that they were going to the concert tonight and they couldn’t wait to see him.  I didn’t make an effort to move because I didn’t want them to see me.  It wasn’t that I was embarrassed because of Harper, because I don’t regret her at all.  It’s just that I’m not ready to face the negative comments and disapproval again. 

I tuned out the rest of the conversation Judy was having with the girl.  I wish I hadn’t because the next thing I know, there are 6 girls standing next to our table.  One of the girls said, “OH MY GOSH!  SCOTTY!  I CAN’T BELIEVE IT’S REALLY YOU!”

He laughed lightly and said, “Well, it really is me.  How are you guys?”

They all replied with their answers at the same time, as if he’d be able to hear what everyone was saying.  When it was quiet, one of the girls, a tall brunette, said “I can’t believe you’re with her.”  She rolled her eyes.  A couple of the girls’ eyes opened wide in shock.

Scotty remained calm and said, “I love her and I will always be with her.”  The tall brunette huffed and walked away.  I can’t believe girls like that call themselves fans.  Aren’t fans supposed to be supportive no matter what?

One of the other girls spoke up.  “Don’t listen to her.  She doesn’t know what she’s saying.  Emery, you deserve Scotty and your daughter is adorable.”

I looked over at Scotty who was smiling back at me.  I turned to the girl and said, “Thank you.  May I ask you what your name is?”


“Thank you Sophie.”  Scotty leaned in and placed a kiss on my lips.  The girls awed. 

Sophie then asked, “If you don’t mind could we get a picture?”

“Sure,” Scotty said as he stood up.

“I can take the picture for you guys,” I added.

“I would actually really like it if you were in it as well.  And the baby too, if that’s okay with you.”  I hesitated for a minute, wanting to protect my baby, but I didn’t want to hide her.  It was going to happen sooner or later, and I would prefer it be on my own terms.

“Of course,” I said, starting to get Harper out of her car seat.

Judy took the phone from the girl, and I handed her mine as well.

I had Harper in my arms, propped up so she could be seen.  Scotty had one of his hands on my back and the other on Harper.  The 5 girls split up, Sophie and a blonde beside me, and the other 3 on the other side of Scotty.  Judy snapped a few pictures with each of the phones before she said to do a silly pose.  Scotty took Harper from me and held her up like Rafiki held Simba in The Lion King.  I placed a kiss on Scotty’s cheek and popped one of my feet.  The group of 3 girls did the Charlie’s Angels pose and Sophie mirrored my popped foot and placed it against mine.  I’m not sure what the other girl did.

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