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#10 - Yoonhye's P.O.V.


Yoonhye's P.O.V.

It's Sunday! I love weekends because I get to rest for the whole day in my own unit, doing things that I love. I don't have classes during Sunday. Though I said that I get to rest, but I ended up spending my whole day on cleaning up the house. I just moved over for two months and since I was busy with the novel, I don't have time to clean up.

It was already two in the afternoon when I finished all my works, and decided to go to the mall to buy something edible so I don't have to come out often when I am hungry. I am that type of person who is lazy to go out.

After getting dressed, I grabbed my house key and also my purse, and then got out from the unit. Though I had move to here for two months, but this is really the first time I go to the mall to buy things.

There is just a mall nearby my house. If I walk fast, it takes only five minutes. But since I want to get know to the surrounding, I took 15 minutes to reach the mart. There were a lot of people in the market. I looked up to the ceiling and found a lot of banners. It's having sale, no wonder there are so many people.

"Yoonhye!" I heard someone called. I turned around and found Jieun smiling sweetly at me, and beside her stood Howon. I smiled widely at them and approached them.

"Dating?" I asked the two of them.

"Nah, I'm just here to help Jieun carry things." Howon joked, as he pointed towards the bags in the trolley.

"Ahh, I see." I chuckled. I was happy to see the two of them together again.

"You were the one who ask me to buy more clothes." Jieun whined at Howon.

"Okay, fine. It's my fault." Howon just smiled and wrapped his arms around Jieun's shoulder.

"I heard that you moved." Jieun looked at me and said.

"Yeah...It's just two months ago. I moved around here." I nodded and replied.

"Alone?" Howon asked. I nodded. "Wow, that's cool. Can we go and visit your house?"

"Maybe next week. I'm still in the process of cleaning up the house. It's messy."

"Alright." Jieun grinned and said. "Should we have lunch together? Have you eaten?" She asked. I just shook my head and didn't say anything.

"Then let's eat together! Meet us at the restaurant in the first floor that the two of us once eat, okay?"

"Sure." I nodded and told them.

After I finished buying things, I went to the restaurant that Jieun said. The two of them were already inside there, looking at the menu.

"You know that Myungsoo had left to Japan?" Howon suddenly asked.

"Really?" I slightly raised my brows and asked. I didn't know where he had gone ever since we broke up.

"He didn't tell you?" Jieun asked. I just shook my head. "We broke up."

"Since when?" The both of them were shocked. I was surprised at their reaction. They didn't know about it all along the time after the two of us broke up? It had been almost a month.

"About a month ago." I replied.

Howon nodded slightly, and sighed, "He never tells us. So...what happened?" He asked. Jieun nudged him and then smiled at me. "It's okay if you don't want to tell us. Don't mind Howon."

I just smiled at them. What had happened, it couldn't change anymore. He was once in my heart, but now? I think no more.

After finishing the lunch, I decided to spend some more time in the mall. Jieun insisted to accompany me, but I rejected her. She and Howon just get back together, they should spend more time together.

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